I've just bottled my first extract dunkel. It tasted good out of the fermenter so I have high hopes after it has some carbonation.
Here's my recipe:
3kg Briess Bavarian Wheat Dry Extract
160g Weyermann Chocolate Wheat malt (Steeped)
250g Weyermann Carawheat (Steeped)
300g Weyermann Caramunich Type II (Steeped)
200g Weyermann Carahell (Steeped)
30g Hallertau @ 60mins
WYeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen
OG - 1.052
TG - 1.013
Colour - 41.18 EBS
Bitterness - 15.3
Alcohol - 5.15%
Final Volume - 23L
Fermented at 22C, because I wanted to accentuate the banana esters.
The reason for the large amount of steeped grain and variety of them was to increase the wheat to 60% so it was a proper wheat beer, to increase the complexity and also to try and get a lot of caramel and chocolate flavours to go with the banana.
My inspiration in Emerson's Dunkelweizen because when I tried it at Emerson's brewery it was amazing. The banana was obvious from the start, all though not overpowering, and then the chocolate and caramel flavour were beautiful and complemented the higher than usual banana esters.