dry hopped a biiiiit too much

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bibo ergo sum
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ok, so i had an ESB that i thought might benefit from some hallertau. mainl because it had been sitting there forever and i wanted to get rid of it. 30gms. the beer is all EKG in the boil. i lost 10L of it in a leaky cube so only fermented 10L but then completely forgot to lower the dry hop to 1g/L and dumped it all in. had a taste pre-bottle and it was quite grassy. anyone had any good experiences with dry hopping hallertau?
Never done it but have read nobles are unsuitable for dry hopping.
yeah. it was a rushed decision. pretty silly but oh well. might be ok after a few extra weeks. i'll report back
Yeah mate, nobles tend not to be great for dry hopping. Chalk this one up to experience.

yeah, which i had read before but though, hmmm, perhaps a very faint subtle dry hop might work. figured a small amount in a full batch might work, then stupidly forgot that it was a much smaller batch and didn't realise until i'd let them loose haha. all good. i'll see how she goes :)

thanks guys.
Love the 9v. Hate the noble dry hop though. Yes I've done it.
Should have used a small amount of ekg or styrians for your esb dry hop fletch.