Dog Got My Yeast

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hey guys,

i went to get my brew going last night grabbed the can of coopers pale and opened the top with the destructions and yeast, and i dropped it, the dog grabbed it and chewed through, so i thought now worries and grabbed the packet of baking yeast in the cupboard and got a sachet from that, proved the yeast in some water and slung it in , this morning full head of foam so she is off, no the question is, is it okay to? i didn't think anything of it but now i'm wondeerting if i'm going to have a bread flavoured beer? :eek:
Baker's yeast works but it's a bit funky, you could always call it a belgian. Somebody i know uses it for all their beer (i know already, but he takes a bit of convincing), and it's not what i'd call bad beer, not what i'd call good beer either.

Same strain of saccharomyces though...
so is there a way i can improve it or get rid of the funk? or at least mellow it?
Keep it cold - below 18C, see what happens, then start another batch with the real yeast ;)
To be more serious about your question I'd be more concerned about how well baker's yeast is handled. I'm not so sure if it's packaged in the same sanitary way as brewing strains? I could be totally wrong though.

Personally I wouldn't expect your beer to taste as good as it should. You could always punish your dog by making him drink it. ;)

Warren -
no he's just a *******, he didn't eat it but pirced the foil, so i didn't want to start the yeast off in dog slobber.....

i'll see how it goes, bit of a raging start to it though, so hopefully it'll go ok! never know i might be on to somehting!
never know i might be on to somehting!

Not too sure about that, bread yeast has been used before.

Using a dog slobbered beer yeast however.....................that could've produced an interesting result!!!!!!!!!!
red tick beer from the simpsons perhaps.... "hmmm needs more dog"
Always keep a package of spare yeast in the fridge in a plastic bag or jar. You never know when you will get a dodgy yeast with a poorly handled kit that has been heated in transit or sat in a hot warehouse.

Or if you have another kit, borrow the yeast from the top and replace it next time you go to the brewshop.
Bakers' yeast is likely to produce a lot more Co2 than alcohol (after all we like our bread to rise, not inebriate!) Yes I know it's technically the same basic strain, but I would be expecting a murky, unattenuated brew.

Not good!
top advice POL
i always have at least 1x US56, 2x saflager (or equivalent) and a nottingham in the fridge, just in case a smack pack doesn't swell. Loving the bigger packet sizes from Craftbrewer too! seems I'm too tight to pitch 2x packets (other than lagers) but very happy to pitch a bigger packet. The ferments take off like a rocket.
guess i'll just have to see, it is on a big charge of foam at the top!

watch this space for the next week or so and then again in a couple months!
To be more serious about your question I'd be more concerned about how well baker's yeast is handled. I'm not so sure if it's packaged in the same sanitary way as brewing strains? I could be totally wrong though.

On the other hand Warren there is a lot of yeast in a baker's sachet so it'll be more competitive with any bacteria. Provided the bacteria count isn't too high. It does multiply much faster than yeast.

The god's of brewing were giving you a message.
Buy some commercial dry yeast from the HBS.
I'm not knocking the kit yeast, I use it every now and then, but the HBS yeast makes better beer.
stuff the mutt in the fermenter and see how ya get on :p (sorry could;nt help my self)..cheers...spog..
oh,before anyone else gets on to it,then you can have a real hair of the dog. :) (sorry again but have had a few beers after a great day at work and am in one of those moods)..cheers again...spog..
I would be getting a pack of safale and using the cooper's yeast as the backup personally. saf branded yeasts are better than the yeasts you get in kits, plus they get handled better. Good luck with the baker's yeast - I suspect you may need it.

Even with a kit it takes up a fair bit of your time making beer, so try to resist chucking in the next best thing when you can wait a day or two and do the job properly.

Anyway, mistakes are the best way to learn. From the other responses it sounds like you will get something drinkable. Otherwise make the dog drink it :party:
Having tasted beer fermented with bakers yeast before......i would have gone with the dog slobbered yeast everytime :beerbang:

Mind you my Bluey is as clean as Prince Charles, he even brushes his teeth and flosses. :p