Pollinated I think. The female flower is pollinated by the male (usually through insects or by wind).wide eyed and legless said:The flower has to be germinated by a male...
A thick plot would be cool.Camo6 said:And the plot thickens...
Thanks again matewide eyed and legless said:The flower has to be germinated by a male, and much like its cousin you don't want a male coming anywhere near your hops (or its cousins), otherwise you will not know what the male is that lives nearby so therefore not know what you will end up with.
You can graft it's cousin onto the hop vine but it will not do any good, you will not get any THC or anything beneficial, it will just be a waste of time and effort, grow its cousin and buy all the hops, barley and yeast you will need for a few years and still have money left over for a new suit and a stone of monkey nuts.
>I'm asking for a friend but ayabyss said:One of my dumb mates asked me to ask you.
Absolutely correct, can't think why I said germinated.good4whatAlesU said:Pollinated I think. The female flower is pollinated by the male (usually through insects or by wind).
Germination is the sprouting of seedling from the seed.
They are known as cousins but in actual fact the truth is they may well be only very distant cousins, until the genetic make up of plants botanists just looked at the plants and when they saw similarities between them they assumed they were related, its only in recent years that the genetic make up of plants has started to be investigated. You can graft the members of the solanaceae family together usually the tomato grafted to the potato or egg plant grafted to the potato. When tomatoes are grafted together it is usually because a weak root stock of one tomato is exchanged for a strong root stock variety.Brownsworthy said:Why wouldn't it produce any THC?
The part that is grafted on still has it's own genes and if it came from a THC producing plant I would imagine that it would continue to produce THC.
Fascinating. I would never have believed that the size of the human genome is less than most flowering plants until I did a bit of research.wide eyed and legless said:People tend to regard plants as a low form of life when in fact they are not, they have been evolving a lot longer than ourselves and there are scientists who believe they even have a brain, I prefer the nerve centre theory, which is located in the root. Plants can communicate with other plants, they can count and even communicate with insects and one plant can even use a bats echolocation system for its own advantage, they are like small chemical factories producing toxins as a defense mechanism.