DMS can be a bit of a pain, if you are having problems try extending your boil to 90 minutes, but at any length of boil if you get 10% evaporation then you should have done the job. Urquell do a 2 hour boil, not a very vigorous one (often described as a simmer) and there is plenty of DMS in the flavour profile, which if it wasn't the archetypical pilsner we would have to call a major fault.
If you have kegged, try venting the keg and letting the beer warm up for a day or so, the CO2 that comes out will scrub out a lot of the DMS, then re-carb.
As mentioned above, better to not have the problem in the first place, keep the lid off the kettle, make sure you get at least 10% evaporation and cool as quickly as possible.