Deuchars Ipa Recipe?

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I have already gained a great deal of knowledge from this site, now I was hoping someone could help me with a recipe based on a Scottish beer called Deuchars IPA.

I have only done kit & kilo with a bit of grain flavouring, boiling and hopping but I don’t mind even trying a malt extract brew if someone can come up with a recipe. I have done some scouting around the web and found some AG recipes and other information. I am not savvy enough yet (I am only on my 5th brew) to translate this into equivalent kits or extracts and instructions but hopefully someone understands all this.

Background to request:
After going thru the many manufacturers’ recipes trying to find different types of brews to make I came across a recipe by Coopers for a Scottish IPA. On the pamphlet for their Thomas Cooper Malt Extracts it has:
Thomas Coopers IPA
Coopers Amber Malt 1.5kg
2x Fuggles 12g
Ale Yeast

Coopers tells me that this recipe is inspired by Deuchars IPA of which I googled and heard nothing but good things. Seeing as, by all accounts, this beer is a great drink it sounds like a great beer to clone. My mother-in-law will now be travelling home from Scotland next week with at least 1 of these in her possession and if anyone knows anywhere in Sydney that sells this beer that would be nice to know too.

Now, I have done a bit of research on this beer and possible recipes via the ‘google’ and have included this below.

Beer Information:
I have found the following information about the ingredients.

Malts: Golden Promise and Optic.
Hops: Fuggles, Super Styrian Goldings.

A british homebrew forum had the following information:;f=4&t=620

In a recent article in Brewers contact, the journal of the CBA, they discuss a visit to the Caledonian brewery in which they reveal some facts about Deuchars:

Malt is Optic and Golden Promise
12% glucose


Fuggles (75 mins)
Super Styrians (75 mins)

Styrians (15 mins)
Williamette (15 mins)

'Finishing hops' - in the hop back

East Kent Goldings

Hopping rates must be crazy: 'three times the industry standard.. only a third of the hops go in the copper and only half of those at the start of the boil... The remaing two thirds of the hops go in the hopback'.

The article warns against using this amount of finishing hops in the homebrew situation as it is not possible to cool the beer quickly enough.

I've also found out via the Camra almanac that the IBU should be 34-36 and the OG 1038 (although they list different hops); seems a touch more bitter than I would have expected.


And Les Howarth's 'Homebrewer's Recipe Database' lists the OG as 1.038, the IBUs at 34-36 and the colour at 15-17 EBC. He also says there is crystal and wheat malts in it.

All Grain Recipe 1:
From this very website I have found the AG recipe:;hl=deuchars

From ‘Voosher’
"Nice clean beer; almost more a Summer Ale.
Lovely citrusy/marmalade flavours and aromas. A smooth lingering bitterness.
Just a little malt sweetness lingering on the lips.

I know next to nothing about Optic other than that it's another Spring barley.

I'm going to give it a run first off with about 2/3 GP and 1/3 Maris Otter. I don't expect the Maris Otter to be close to Optic but I just want to get a variation in malts.

I'll bitter with Fuggles for 60m, more Fuggles for 20m, Styrians for 10m and again at flame out.

If the cask at 1038 is 35IBU I'll give it a run at OG 1045 40+ IBU's.

And as it's a Caledonian I'm going to use Wyeast 1728 fermented around 18C 'cos it's clean and clear at that temp."

All Grain Recipe 2:
From a British forum, a guy from Glasgow put together this recipe:

I ordered the ingredients for this. I'm hopefully getting a beer engine soon so this could be the inaugural brew Cool

Decided just to go for Fuggles & Stryians in the end.

Deuchars Clone

Type: All Grain
Date: 12/03/2007
Batch Size: 10.20 gal
rewer: Geoff
Boil Size: 12.28 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: My Equipment
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
6.90 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (5.9 EBC) Grain 94.5 %
0.40 kg White Wheat Malt (4.7 EBC) Grain 5.5 %
57.00 gm Fuggles [4.50%] (60 min) Hops 16.1 IBU
100.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.00%] (15 min) Hops 12.5 IBU
100.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.00%] (1 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
2 Pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL Yeast #S-04) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.038 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.009 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 3.8 %
Bitterness: 29.6 IBU Calories: 166 cal/pint
Est Color: 8.5 EBC

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out Total Grain Weight: 7.30 kg
Sparge Water: 9.18 gal Grain Temperature: 22.2 C
Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C TunTemperature: 22.2 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 19.04 L of water at 74.4 C 67.8 C 60 min

And then the result is apparently:
"I pulled this through the beer engine tonight, AFAIC it's spot on for Deuchars as far as the aroma, flavour & mouthfeel goes. However it's way too pale, this is a pale straw colour where Deuchars is a bit more on the orange side. Not a problem though, this is a really excellent beer. The styrian goldings really come through, I ended up steeping 120g at the end instead of the 100 I posted in the recipe. This will definately be getting brewed again, maybe with a touch of crystal."

Too much info?
I have already gained a great deal of knowledge from this site, now I was hoping someone could help me with a recipe based on a Scottish beer called Deuchars IPA.

I have only done kit & kilo with a bit of grain flavouring, boiling and hopping but I dont mind even trying a malt extract brew if someone can come up with a recipe. I have done some scouting around the web and found some AG recipes and other information. I am not savvy enough yet (I am only on my 5th brew) to translate this into equivalent kits or extracts and instructions but hopefully someone understands all this.

And then the result is apparently:
Too much info?

I tried this Deuchars IPA and liked it. I also brewed one of ESB's IPA fresh wort around the same time. I added a heap of fuggles along with some wort from some steeped amber grain, then fermented using a WL english yeast (dry english I think).

I reckon the FWK came out better. More flavour and just as good in the finish.

Mmmmm, deuchars IPA. I lived in the north of england for 2 years, just south of Hadrians Wall and several of the pubs had this on handpull. Its a tasty tasty drop. Cant add much comment since i am not an AGer (yet) but the last one seems like several i have read.
Re: Where to buy Deuchars in Sydney? Amatos in Leichardt sell it.
Re: Where to buy Deuchars in Sydney? Amatos in Leichardt sell it.

Excellent, thanks mate. I will go past Amatos this weekend, might even grab some snags from AC Butcher!

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