Dead yeast?

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Do not oxygenate your brew again. Have a squiz at yeast metabolism on the net. The Coopers yeast generally does not go much lower than 1010.US05 a bit lower. Belle Saison lower again. But if a brew has stalled at ,say, 1020,give it a gentle stir or raise the temp or both.(although your temp is already very high so don't do that with this brew).Your original gravity seems a bit low but if bottling you can add about .5 abv for each bottle due to priming sugar addition. If you want a higher abv beer simply boil a litre of water and dissolve half a kg of dry malt extract in it and add to your brew. But I reckon you should bottle it and think about your next brew.
I guess if I were to tip it down the drain I would never know, I will bottle and try it since I have nothing to lose.

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