Dark Mild ,South Brown

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Was thinking of giving this recipe a go just wondered if it will be ok
Have I gone to heavy with some of the spec malts ?
Og is high for a Mild but figure it wont attenuate to 1010 & wont something just under 4 %

View attachment Dark Mild.txt
Depending on what kind of brown malt you have will depend on flavour, like chocolate malt there is a big difference between colour due to the different maltsters.

From memory there is two Whitbread strains and I know one of them is a high attenuator so much drier finish but I can't recall the characteristics of the other strain so worth looking into and adjusting mash temp up accordingly. (70 for 40ish minutes works a treat)

A great rule of thumb for milds is the rule of 5's. Can't remember which thread I read it in or who posted it but it's a great guide to brewing milds. Theory is the bitterness ratio is 0.5, use 5% crystal malt, 5%toasted malt (biscuit, victory, Amber, brown, ect), and 5% roasted malt (a type of chocolate). The other 85% being Maris Otter. Hop wise I've not myself bothered with late or flavour hops as its a malt driven beer.

Hope that helps and try search for that rule of 5. It's a great thread to research through.
Thanks MB its the 1099 yeast but really just threw that in there as it was the last one I used

Will pick an English one out at LHBS next time there maybe 1275 it attenuates to 74%
that would get me to 3.8% hopefully

So will drop off the cube hops & use the bittering hops to the 13 IBUs still a bit high a ratio 0.7
but would'nt want to go any lower

View attachment Dark Mild.txt
At 1.040 OG you would be aiming for 20IBU for a 0.5 BU/SG ratio. Could always add in that Challenger you had in the original recipe to make up the difference.

A side note, being no chill if you enter your 60min addition in your software as 60min, you will find it actually doesnt get a whole lot bitter after 60. There is actually no need to add the 60min addition at 40 minutes. No chill will mainly impact flavour and late kettle additions (thats where we can take advantage of cube hopping)
Rude, hope you ended up brewing it. How is it tasting? Young, fresh, delicious? Throwing a starter on now for another mild.

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