Damn No Water Filter

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Mercs Own

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I am supposed to be brewing today and I realised that my water filter broke last week and it cannot be fixed. My missus went out and bought a nifty little electric bench sitting Sunbeam which serves lovely filtered water at room temp or slightly chilled but it is not going to fill up my 50 litre kettle or give the 26 litres I need for my mash liquor.

I have never brewed with out filtered water! Can I get a filter from bunnings that I can attatch to my garden hose?? If I brew without a filter should I make any water adjustments - brewing an American Amber Ale.
Nah don't worry too much about it. I've never used a filter and my beer turns out fine!
I wouldn't worry about filtering water.

I have made all my brews using Melbourne water without any filtering and they have all been fine.

Unless you are sourcing your water from somewhere else why would you bother with filtered tap water in Melbourne?

I will be filling the vessels up with the hose then?!!??

Mercs Own. I just normally use the garden hose to fill up my HLT.
I have no problem with that. Once the boil goes off for an hour or more nothing is left but malt, hops and water :)

I too use the garden hose - I always run a few litres through first to rinse it all out, and I have special end caps for the hose I use for brewing so mud wasps and the like can't get in!

Other than that it all works out well.

I used to not bother with a filter Merc. Just fill the HLT and heat it up to boiling for a few mins to drive off the chlorine aroma and you're good to go.

That said I couldn't do without my carbon filter these days. Become attached to it. :rolleyes:

Warren -

I use a caravan filter with a hose fitting on it for all my brewing water, but it's mainly because the water from tap nearest to the shed randomly goes brown for periods. before i got the filter, i used water straight from the tap in the laundry and did multiple trips with buckets. no problems either way
After filling the hlt from the hose, put your nose over the edge. If you can smell chlorine, the beer will probably be OK, but it would be better to get rid of it. Either by boiling as Warren suggests, or by chucking in one campden tablet to 50l or a pinch of sod met.
i used to use filtered water at my parent's house years ago but haven't since. i can't taste any chlorine in the beer (i'm usually pretty good at picking up chlorine). i tend to think along the lines that the boil will take most of the nasties out of the water. wouldn't the boil actually remove chlorine? or would it do the opposite and concentrate it as the water evaporates?