Craft Beer Industry Concerns - what is and isn't craft beer

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Parks said:
What I am trying to get at is I would like to know who makes the beer so I can choose where my money goes.

I certainly don't mind having good beer produced by the big guys as long as they aren't trying to fool me to think they are a little guy who is just trying to make a living.

It's really that simple and as someone else said, $20k fines are too small for lack of truth in advertising. Even now, having been seriously learning about beer and who makes it for several years, I sometimes find it hard to tell by looking at the label, who actually brews the beer. It's deliberately deceptive and done purely to make a quick buck off those who may not know better.

Happy to buy a good beer off any producer, (although I do prefer to support the little guy) just don't pretend to be something you're not.
good4whatAlesU said:
There's no reason they can't call them boutique beers or just 'beers'.
'Craft' is essentially just a misplaced marketing term.
it's like free range chooks. How many chooks in a shed is free range? ... Answer: none, because that's not 'free range.
I don't think that it is as it refers to the skill and hands on nature of the brewer.

In your world it would seem the only beer worthy of the title would be an ale sans hops made in a brewery producing less than 1000 barrels per year by a brewer using only his bare hands and physical prowess to get the job done. Should it also be delivered by horse and cart? You understand that this is not medieval England right?
In my world there would be a great deal more 'craft' breweries because;

a) the alcohol excise would be lower, and:
b) regulations would be simpler.

no need for horse and cart, craft can be delivered by droned. Just watch out for teenagers and sling shots.
Fraser's BRB said:

It's really that simple and as someone else said, $20k fines are too small for lack of truth in advertising. Even now, having been seriously learning about beer and who makes it for several years, I sometimes find it hard to tell by looking at the label, who actually brews the beer. It's deliberately deceptive and done purely to make a quick buck off those who may not know better.

Happy to buy a good beer off any producer, (although I do prefer to support the little guy) just don't pretend to be something you're not.
As Parks has said and Fraser's BRB and many others , great points. I also have some other things I can't stand and that's a large retail outlet who
makes out it provides a large selection of craft beers and if you go through and count them , there aren't many.
Coopers don't count as a craft brewer, but I love their attitude , and I ALWAYS have some Coopers in the fridge because they symbolize what a Craft Brewer
should be . They 're owned by the people of their homeland , their reputation is paramount, family pride that comes when the big guys come knocking on
your door and you tell them to go f... themselves. I hope they never sell out.
Roosterboy said:
As Parks has said and Fraser's BRB and many others , great points. I also have some other things I can't stand and that's a large retail outlet who
makes out it provides a large selection of craft beers and if you go through and count them , there aren't many.
Coopers don't count as a craft brewer, but I love their attitude , and I ALWAYS have some Coopers in the fridge because they symbolize what a Craft Brewer
should be . They 're owned by the people of their homeland , their reputation is paramount, family pride that comes when the big guys come knocking on
your door and you tell them to go f... themselves. I hope they never sell out.
Absolutely. And add to that their long term support of the homebrewer. Mind you that is a two way street and they openly admit that they owe their ongoing existence to the homebrew market that got them through the tough times.
I like to think Coopers in the same way as Anchor. Still 'craft' (whatever that means) but at the extreme end in terms of size.

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