Nutcracker, schnitzel hammer (well clean on a board), teeth (at own risk), pliers, mortar and pestle, rolling pin with nuts inside teatowel on a board, willing servant, telekinesis.
Small hammer
Mortar and pestle
Throw forcefully onto floor
Dip in acid, dry out. Shell should weaken enough to shell by hand. I think they do this to some almonds.
Find a tightarse and shove it up the nether hole, then show them a braumeister.
Flame the basterds and burn the shell off.
Poke it until it gives up
Ultrasonic waves
Plasma guns
If all else fails, don't eat, that will make you hungry enough to go downstairs.
You want to crack Bauple nuts?
1 -- Drive up to Buderim Ginger & buy a dedicated Bauple nut cracker.
2 -- Shift the vice upstairs on a folding table.
3 -- Crack them all downstairs on the vice THEN watch TV.
4 -- Use a hammer AYOR.
5 -- Sit on it! :lol:
My parents have one as they are getting macadamias by the sackful off their tree.
Spent a sick day watching the Predators movie while going through a sack.
My folks have one of these made from a piece of 255mm x 6mm flat bar. Has a threaded t topped bolt going through the top of it. You can sit and crack em with one good twist.