Coopers Pale Ale Yeast/ Safale S04

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OK. I HAVE DONE TWO LITTLE CREATURES PALE ALE , WITH RECULTURED COOPERS YEAST, now i am going to do the exact same recipe but use the safale s04 yeast instead, nothing different, any ideas what to expect,i dont want to add any thing else.

OK. I HAVE DONE TWO LITTLE CREATURES PALE ALE , WITH RECULTURED COOPERS YEAST, now i am going to do the exact same recipe but use the safale s04 yeast instead, nothing different, any ideas what to expect,i dont want to add any thing else.


Both good yeasts. Both ferment fast, good attenuation, good flocculation. I would favour the CPA for the LCPA, especially if you can keep the temp at around 18c. I think the Safale might be a little more 'English' than you'd want for an APA.
The so4 will most likely mute the hops a little, and favour the malt a bit will still be a good beer, just different. Personally, I'm not a fan of american style hoppy his last k&k effort before switching to the dark side, muckey did his usual tin and bits with lots of amarillo, but one with us05, and one with Nottingham (english)....personally, I preferred the one with the English yeast. I found it to be a better overall balance between hop and malt for my taste.....out of style, definately. But more to my preference....but as they say, preference is a personal thing. ;)
ok thanks for the input guys,reason for s04 was that was all the lhbs had , he seems to be converting over to brewmaster yeasts, "i think thats the name" no description on the pkts for the style etc so i didnt want to get any, got the last safale that he had, anyway its just as butters said im not trying for a particular style flavor here just trying to see what is different using a different style yeast.the little creatures pale that i have made the last two times are really great drinking so i will see what happens here, its good to try something just slightly different on a beer that you know and really like, might turn out like crap but i dont think so.

only advice i can give and which im following now if just try each yeast with the same recipe. that's what im doing at the moment. you'l hopefully make a decision on each on :chug: