Coopers Cerveza ,what Yeast

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AQuestion to those wanting to add lime. have you thought about adding Kaffir Lime Leaves? you could make a little tea and with the leaves to help extract some flavour from the leaves, it might avoid extracting any bitterness from the pith of the fruits. Just a thought.

Cheers Jan
Have used kaffir lime leaves in a coopers lager kit- cant remember the grain and hop additions, but was similar to a barefoot at finishing-although from memory a tad bitterer.I always meant to try it again but never got to it. I do know I smashed 6 leaves with the blunt side of a knife and threw them in after 5 days though- I've gotta start taking better notes!
im currently researching temp control devices and then will be on the look out for an old fridge. i already have a heat pad off an water bed for the heat side of things in the colder months....

before you go and spend money on them get an old fridge and just click it on a couple millimeters, i have a old fridge that will keep anywhere between 5 and 25 degrees with the standard thermostat most fridges will.

turn thermostat to off then turn it a couple mm only this gives me 25 degrees couple more 22 couple more 20 ect ect no need for temp controller

in winter i use a custom made cupboard with aircon thermostat and a couple 100 watt lights that will go between 16 - 32 degrees.

it might just pay to check the fridge before you get temp controllers

hope that makes sense to you
Made this up the other night from leftovers.

Coopers Mex Cerveza
500g homemade candy sugar
400g LLME
400g LDME
200g Carapils (steeped
10g Homegrown Perle @ 10min
S-189 Swiss lager
Currently Brewing @ 10c in the fridge.
Bottled it last night - FG=1010.
Flavour is okay, but it really makes me glad I'm making AG's more these days.
Just waiting for my lime tree to ripen.
Coopers Mex Cerveza
500g homemade candy sugar
400g LLME
400g LDME
200g Carapils (steeped
10g Homegrown Perle @ 10min
S-189 Swiss lager

Verdict - Lime is essential in this one. Honestly it's crap without it. Add the lime and it goes down well. Luckily the lime tree has ripened!
:icon_offtopic: Not to hijack the tread, i am interested in what process you did when putting them (chilli and lime leaves) into the brew, was like dry hopping the fermenter with the kit or a boil? I am curious to try.


I just sanitised the fresh leaves and chillies and added them to the fermenter same time as the yeast.

Used about 6 leaves and 6 small hot chillies. I did read if you boil the chillies first then you tend to get vegetable flavours in the beer.

Edit: Sorry for delay only just seen the post.