Coopers Canadian Blonde

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The thread on Mexican Cerveza has gone absolutely crazy and I've tried mine and its pretty good.... Has anyone tried Canadian Blonde?
I did one a few years ago now and enjoyed it.

It was a good vehicle for chillies too...

I added a brew enhancer type pack and 400g of Orange Blossom honey.
I did a long time ago, from my misty memeory it went down pretty well.
I did this one just over a year ago and it turned out really great. I used a Coopers suplied recipe called "Buxom Blonde"... 500g light malt, brew enhancer, and a teabag of Goldings.
I did a long time ago, from my misty memeory it went down pretty well.
yeah, I read those...Just wanted to know if anyones tried it and whether you'd recommend BE1 or BE2?
I always say BE2, the extra malt always helps.
Just put down my 6th? batch of Canadian Blonde, have been doing it with coopers b/e2, 2tsp fuggles pellets boiled 10-15 minutes (lid on), kill heat & add 2 more tsp pellets, leave 3-5 minutes with lid on, tip into fermenter with wort & b/e2, top up to 23l, use coopers yeast.
A little light for my tastes, but has been universally popular otherwise.
Usually a 14 day ferment then into secondary/clearing cube in fridge. Quite drinkable 2 days later in the keg, improves over 4 weeks or so.
A couple of mates I have started down the HB path have tried above method with (NZ) saaz & hallertauer, both tend to "overpower" what is essentially a very light bodied beer.
An easy pleasant quaffer.
I've been using these types of kits as a good light base for doing something interesting with.

I did about a 1/2 kilo crystal steep and about another half kilo of dried wheat malt with about a 15 min. hallertauer boil with 1/2 kilo of orange blossom honey at around 3 or 4 mins before flameout. Then all in with the kit and fermented with a Kolsch yeast starter.
After about 6 weeks has settled very nicely.
Just put down my 6th? batch of Canadian Blonde, have been doing it with coopers b/e2, 2tsp fuggles pellets boiled 10-15 minutes (lid on), kill heat & add 2 more tsp pellets, leave 3-5 minutes with lid on, tip into fermenter with wort & b/e2, top up to 23l, use coopers yeast.
A little light for my tastes, but has been universally popular otherwise.
Usually a 14 day ferment then into secondary/clearing cube in fridge. Quite drinkable 2 days later in the keg, improves over 4 weeks or so.
A couple of mates I have started down the HB path have tried above method with (NZ) saaz & hallertauer, both tend to "overpower" what is essentially a very light bodied beer.
An easy pleasant quaffer.

Hi Mark,
What would be a commercial beer that I could try that's similar to the Canadian Blond kit? I want to see if I'd like it and mabey make it as my second batch when and if my first one (Mexican Cerveza) ever finishes fermenting :)
Hi Mark,
What would be a commercial beer that I could try that's similar to the Canadian Blond kit? I want to see if I'd like it and mabey make it as my second batch when and if my first one (Mexican Cerveza) ever finishes fermenting :)

As a general style try Carlton Pure Blonde, this is pretty much what I would expect a Canadian Blonde kit to be like with b/e 1 with no extra hops. B/E 2 @ fuggles add a bit of extra body & character.

As has been said before, watch your sanitation & temperature control, keep notes, brew as much as you can, build up a stockpile & enjoy.

Don't be afraid to leave bottles conditioning for a while, when bottling, as a rule I'd aim to leave a brew 4 weeks in the bottle & with most brews found 3 months+ to be best. Some brews that were "ordinary" early on really improved with some age.


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