Put down the Bav Lager yesterday arvo - yeah, took the day off to brew!!
For those interested, here are some notes:
1.7Kg Coopers Bavarian Lager kit into fermenter
1 Kg Coopers Liquid Extra Pale Malt Extract for small boil (6L)
125g Barrett Burston Crystal Malt 140EBC (steeped)
W3470 SAFLAGER Dry Yeast (for yeast starter)
Hallertau Plugs for bittering and finishing
Sterilised everything!
No major issues with cookup, but this morning there is little activity - I did get a good yeast starter going, in fact it looked like a cappucino at 20C!! but the brew is now around the 18C mark and no krausen yet - perhaps its a bit too warm despite the yeast kicking in the cup at 20C??
Airlock shows displacement, but not going berserk yet - will check again this evening to see if I need to perhaps pitch some more lager yeast and chill the fermenter down a bit further. I won't rush this (or any other) lager - it's like brewing in slow motion!!
Question: I did strain the crystal malt, but left the plugs in the primary, ie, I didn't strain the wort out of the boiler into the fermenter. I did this once before with a Kilkenny clone and it worked beautifully. Is this non-straining the reason why the krausen is slow to form?? :blink:
I hope to keep in primary for a couple of weeks, rack to secondary for a couple of weeks then bulk prime and bottle.
SG was 1040 - a touch lighter than expected.