Converting Ag Quantities To Extract

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Curry Master
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Can I ask for some expert advise please;

I'm in the process of experimenting with a few extract-based (+ specialty grain) recipes before starting AG towards the middle of the year (just need to buy a bigger pot and burner....wohoo) but would appreciate some help on this question I have:

What kind of ratio would 1Kg of mashed base malt (such as pale ale malt for eg) give as extract? for example 1Kg base malt: ? Kg extract

I'd like to muck about with a simple extract pale ale recipe (adapted from an AG recipe), then do the same as an AG....and see/taste the difference.

(I'm not that interested in partials - I think if you're going to spend hours faffing about with 2Kg grain your better off faffing about with 5Kg of grain).

Cheers All!
Hi Brewer_010

A quick check of promash shows for 1kg of grain you get 10 points of gravity @ 70% efficiency
You need 650g of coopers liquid malt extract or 550g of a generic dry extract to get the same amount of extract. These figures are going to depend a bit on what extract you use.

The problem with converting directly from an AG recipe is the efficiency of the AG'ers system.
The easiest way is use a spreadsheet and caclulate the amount of extract you require for a specifig SG rather than converting grain figures.

Hi Brewer_010

A quick check of promash shows for 1kg of grain you get 10 points of gravity @ 70% efficiency
You need 650g of coopers liquid malt extract or 550g of a generic dry extract to get the same amount of extract. These figures are going to depend a bit on what extract you use.

The problem with converting directly from an AG recipe is the efficiency of the AG'ers system.
The easiest way is use a spreadsheet and caclulate the amount of extract you require for a specifig SG rather than converting grain figures.


Thanks Pedro
I think I'll download the trial version of promash and give it a go. I've been pretty happy with the extracts I've done so far - hopefully an ag later will impress me even more!
The simple answer is, assuming about 75% efficiency, 1.8kg grain = 1.5kg of extract.
