This is an open ended question and probably a little vague, but what sort of beer is worth entering into competitions.
I've only just started AG, but have enough years of extract plus grain to understand what tastes good and I have a good nose out of the barrel for what is going to turn out good and what won't.
The reason I ask is that the Qld Amateur Brewing Comp is being held soon (though not on the calendar, I note) and I have an ale that I have successfully classified according to the AABC, so no issue there.
It has been in bottles for a week and will be right to drink by the time the comp closes. It smells like a really good drop. I'll obviously try it before I even think about submitting it.
Now, as for the description, the IBU, colour, ABV%, etc it is spot on the mark for a particular style (though I wasn't going for that style when I made it). But it is likely that the two tallies I submit will have sediment in them (just a little) as they are bottle conditioned. Plus of course, I don't know the carbonation, though it appears to be fine.
I suppose the question is - given the style seems spot on, what quality markdowns does these comps have? Does sediment preclude a good mark for a comp which needs a clear beer. It will be clear, so long as it is decanted with some grace, not poured stupidly.
What is the quality of the comp? I don't want to waste my time and the judges' time, without understanding the "minimum standard" that one should have before thinking of submitting.
If it isn't bang on style (which other than a slightly lower FG it is good), do you end up marked down?
I'm more than happy to receive criticism (for this post) for the beer, as I think it will make me a better brewer, but I'm not going to submit garbage - well comparatively garbage.
Sorry to be vague and sorry to sound like a coward - I'm not, just making sure I don't waste two bottles of beer (as this is an experimental batch, not a fullsize batch) and time getting down there, if I'm not in the same league as other entrants.