Commercial Brewers Really Have No Idea

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Read the guidelines and doesn't break a single one. The storm over it has me baffled.

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Does it have humour value? Check

But yep, the guy who wrote this article appears to be a ninckempoop - and I'm a meat-eating sporting shooter who occasionally eats tofu and hugs furry animals as well. (Like the commercial breweries I like to have a bet each way ;) ).


when was the last time you seen a meat eater protesting and trying to ban vegetarianism? it doesnt happen. this is what ***** me with these militant minority groups, theyl take the breweries money and use it to pressure the govt into banning hunting ducks first ,then the idiots win that one it will be roos, they win that one and it will be ,well you get the picture. the way this country is going we will all be wrapped in cotton and living in bubbles soon just in case we hurt ourselves or any poor poor little critters.if you dont like this thread dont read it.if you dont like meat dont eat it.dont like fishing dont do it.dont like tofu dont eat it.its simple we dont have to do what we dont want to,and no need to push our individual beleifs onto others either.
when was the last time you seen a meat eater protesting and trying to ban vegetarianism? it doesnt happen.

Probably a good reason for that - it'd be stupid. Agree with the politics or not, there is sense in speaking up for someone who can't speak for themselves - where is the point rallying against something that doesn't hurt anyone?
theyl take the breweries money and use it to pressure the govt into banning hunting ducks first

Yeah, look this is where you guys shoot yourselves in the foot (if you'll pardon the allusion) - a work mate of mine bagged 65 ducks last weekend. If everyone played by the rules this would a dead issue.

And addressing your point more directly - they aren't tricking the breweries into paying for this. They are quite blatant about their aims. One can only assume these (this?) breweries wish to do something about it - or at least be seen to be.
i can see where youre coming from bum , no responsible hunter would condone such an irresponsible take of ducks. the idiots like that do make it harder for everyone else doing the right thing.i havent gone shooting in years but if i ever want to again id like to have that option open.and i never meant to say these groups are fooling the brewries out of sure the brewerieis do this off there own bat to seem like caring sharing corporate citizens.but my point is that its the thin end of the wedge.the more these minority groups get the more they want to take.
the more these minority groups get the more they want to take.

That is a rather narrow minded view of things beerhog. Generally these "minority groups" that you are refering to tend to fight for balance and freedom not greed like you imply (generally for people or in this case things that are very undersupported or unable to fight for themselves) The reason they are a minority is because people in general are so blaise about issues that don't effect themselves directly. Everyone selfishly seems to only have their own interests at heart. I mean why should I care about a little pin sized mite that causes diseases on Bees? I mean You wouldnt want to throw Taxpayers or even breweries money at something like that either would you?
Just like the simpleton who wrote that article you prefer to shoot your mouth off about being "*******" by "militant minority groups" without knowing the facts behind what is going on.

What You didn't know about that mite (just for the point of an example) is it has the potential to drastically diminish bee populations internationally meaning no more Honey, also severe redctions in pollenation meaning reduction in almonds,avocadoes,cotton,stone fruits, pome fruit,melons pumpkins and many graizing crops meaning less food for animals, reduction in animal populations and BAM an eventual ban on hunting.

So before you go and bash the little guys for putting up a fight at least have the courtrsy to research what it is they are actually fighting for you may even find yourself picking up banner and shouting your slogans.
