Commemorative Brew

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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I'm planning a commemorative brew due for brewing in a couple of months.

Have got some inspiration from here as well as the Stone Brewing Vertical Epic range of beers.

On July 7, at seven seconds after 7:07 p.m., Nowatzki quaffed his 7,777th beer at Big Dog's Brewing Company, 4543 N. Rancho Drive.

Big Dog's brewmaster, Dave Otto, brewed up a beer especially for the occasion called Quad 7. Otto used seven different malts, seven different hops, 77 IBU's -- International Bittering Units -- and 7.7 percent alcohol.

I'm thinking of a Triple IPA style beer 10%+, 200IBU+.
What commemorative brews have you guys done in the past ?

This Wednesday is the Brisbane Ekka Show Day (Public holiday woo-hoo) and it will have been one year since my first mash. Im not going to brew anything to over the top just a American IPA... I might even try to save a bottle for next years ekka holiday :p

1st Anniversary IPA
American IPA

Type: All Grain
Date: 16/08/2006
Batch Size: 21.00 L
Brewer: Jye
Boil Size: 31.78 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.0
Taste Notes:


Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.25 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (3.0 SRM) Grain 81.0 %
0.40 kg Munich, Dark (Joe White) (15.0 SRM) Grain 7.6 %
0.40 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (1.8 SRM) Grain 7.6 %
0.20 kg Melanoidin (Weyermann) (30.0 SRM) Grain 3.8 %

18.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (30 min) Hops 13.2 IBU
18.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (25 min) Hops 12.0 IBU
18.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (20 min) Hops 10.4 IBU
18.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (15 min) Hops 8.5 IBU
36.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (10 min) Hops 12.5 IBU
36.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (5 min) Hops 6.9 IBU
45.00 gm Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial Mix [8.10%] (Dry Hop 7 days) Hops -

1 Pkgs Nottingham Yeast (Lallemand #-) Yeast-Ale

Est Original Gravity: 1.063 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.000 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.015 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.000 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.3 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 0.0 %
Bitterness: 63.5 IBU Calories: -4 cal/l
Est Color: 7.3 SRM
Indian Barleywine? :beer:
Dont know if it is commemorative, but I am thinking of brewing a mid strength ale for some sessions during the up coming ashes series. Australian malt, English hops (the malt dominating ofcourse :D )
I've done a few birthday brews for mates and for my dad.

I did a few baby beers prior to the arrival of my daughter, I Want My Baby Bock and Pregnant Pause Porter.

Then there was Renovation Ale...

I'll commerate just about anything with a brew now that I come to think of it...
In march this year I made an ale out of respect for :) an Aussie Serviceman.
Admirals Ale [Adm Sir D Martin memorial] Ex governer of NSW and RAN Admiral.

Good beer also.
4kg ale [Powells]
1.5kg Munich [Powells]
.250g Vienna [Powells]
.200 Cara malt [JW]
.100g Crystal [jw]
.100 Melanoidin [Weyermann]
Northern Brewer and Hallertauer Hersbrucker for IBU of 31
Nottingham yeast. 6.6%Alc [I will use Wyeast 1338 next time]
Not made to any stlye [I know of] but very nice.
I've done a number of commemorative brews too. Abbeys Dubbel, Aidans Irish Red, Third Trimester Wheat .....
But I'm talking over the top commemorative brews. Big brews, like Triple IPA's, Imperial Barley Wines, Belgian Quad .......

Thoughts ?

Might have to work on some limited edition commemorative labels for your special brews guys just to set them off
Might have to work on some limited edition commemorative labels for your special brews guys just to set them off

Yes please Franko :p I have done 9 commemorative beers in the last year and that would be special and commemorative.
To celebrate the arrival of our latest pet, Lucy the Labrododdle - I'm brewing a 200+ IBU IPA

Lucy Lupulin IPA
Type: All Grain
Date: 18/08/2006
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.30 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 93.4 %
0.52 kg Crystal (Joe White) (141.8 EBC) Grain 6.6 %
150.00 gm Magnum [13.90%] (80 min) Hops 210.9 IBU
40.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (5 min) Hops 7.6 IBU
50.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
90.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (Dry Hop 5 days) Hops -
2 Pkgs American Ale (Safale #056) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.080 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.012
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.9 %
Bitterness: 218.6 IBU Calories: 767 cal/l
Est Color: 24.1
Probably going to do an Imperial Pilsner before i mothball the brewery.

Big D
a few slight mods & brewing tomorrow...

Lucy Lupulin IPA
Imperial IPA

Type: All Grain
Date: 5/09/2006
Batch Size: 26.00 L
Boil Size: 34.00 L
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: My Equipment
35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.30 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcett) (5.9 EBC) Grain 94.7 %
0.41 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 5.3 %
170.00 gm Magnum [13.90%] (80 min) Hops 200.8 IBU
40.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (5 min) Hops 6.4 IBU
50.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
90.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (Dry Hop 5 days) Hops -
2 Pkgs American Ale (Safale #056) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.079 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.5%
Bitterness: 207.2 IBU Calories: 767 cal/l
Est Color: 18.8 EBC Color: Color
Brewed a fathers day IPA yesterday.
Straight Maris Otter & EKGoldings. 1098 British ale yeast.

1.078 OG, 100+IBU.
200g EKG @ 120min
Another 100g in secondary for 6 weeks, then age it for a year.
Hopefully will have mellowed enough for dad to stomach by then.
Since Im bottling an un-named larger tonight, I will dubb it "Crocodile Tears Larger".

The Pils I did on the day the Beaconsfield miners got out was "Miners Out Pils" (MOP)

a few slight mods & brewing tomorrow...

Lucy Lupulin IPA
Imperial IPA

Type: All Grain
Date: 5/09/2006
Batch Size: 26.00 L
Boil Size: 34.00 L
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: My Equipment
35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.30 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcett) (5.9 EBC) Grain 94.7 %
0.41 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 5.3 %
170.00 gm Magnum [13.90%] (80 min) Hops 200.8 IBU
40.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (5 min) Hops 6.4 IBU
50.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
90.00 gm Centennial [10.00%] (Dry Hop 5 days) Hops -
2 Pkgs American Ale (Safale #056) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.079 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.5%
Bitterness: 207.2 IBU Calories: 767 cal/l
Est Color: 18.8 EBC Color: Color

Just kegged this one this afternoon - Starting OG 1082 FG 1010 (9.4%alc) approx 87% attenuation according to my calcs - This US-56 certainly enjoys a good feed :)

cheers Ross

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