My 2c to a slightly old thread
US56 might sort of give you a decent result but you would have to create VERY ideal conditions for it - up the wheat component and use some hops such as NS to give the winey profile. It will attenuate to the right level with probably a single infusion at 66C. You want to add some esters for the winey profile which Chico isn't really known for so you may find underpitching or pitching slightly cold would create yeast growth and throw a bit of extra esters. Doesn't add sulfur too which is an important background flavour in some Kolsch, although a cold ferment, say 13-15C with US56 might stress it out a bit and create a bit of sulfur. Watch out for diacetyl at those temps though...
If you are thinking of attempting a Kolsch, use the right yeast from the outset, WLP029, Wyeast 2565 Kolsch, WLP036 Alt or Wyeast 1007 German Ale, or any other Kolsch/Alt/German ale yeast. You will have to do MUCH less work to make the beer taste correct. WLP029 is a great yeast and works fine at 19C, super clean even at those temps. K-97 may work too and i may do a small batch experiment vs WLP029 to prove/disprove that theory at some point.
One of these days i'm going to save up a lot of money and buy the Weihenstephan Kolsch strain...
Edit: just realised that the Weihenstephan 165 Alt/Kolsch strain shares numbers with the Wyeast 2565 - so i suspect that that yeast is from Weihenstephan. There is supposedly another yeast strain, W177 for Kolsch. Doesn't really matter since there are 5 widely available directly pitchable, already propogated strains out there...