Howdy all,
I 've just had what I think is the score of the century!! While on my never ending search for anything that can be used for brewing, I came across an old co2 cylinder and thought I'd buy it on the off chance that it was ok.
Anyway , I took it to the testing station and guess what - it passed!! I'm now the proud owner of an F size co2 cylinder - thats a cylinder that holds 34 kg's of co2!!!!!! So for 200 bucks all up (that's 2 years rental)Ive got over 80 brews or 4 years of carefree brewing
Luckily enough in Adelaide this particular testing ststion hsa seen the oportunity to break the monopoly that BOC has on the co2 market and has begun to sell co2 to anyone with a cylinder
Up until now I've been using a converted 2.5 kg fire extinguisher which I'd like to keep as part of my portable party machine (I just love this hobby!!) So my question is this - Do any of you fellers have any idea as to how I can fill my extinguisher from my master cylinder? I presume that I need some sort if high pressure hose and connectons . Any ideas if what I need and where I can get this stuff?
Fhanks all
Breaky - who cant stop smiling
I 've just had what I think is the score of the century!! While on my never ending search for anything that can be used for brewing, I came across an old co2 cylinder and thought I'd buy it on the off chance that it was ok.
Anyway , I took it to the testing station and guess what - it passed!! I'm now the proud owner of an F size co2 cylinder - thats a cylinder that holds 34 kg's of co2!!!!!! So for 200 bucks all up (that's 2 years rental)Ive got over 80 brews or 4 years of carefree brewing
Up until now I've been using a converted 2.5 kg fire extinguisher which I'd like to keep as part of my portable party machine (I just love this hobby!!) So my question is this - Do any of you fellers have any idea as to how I can fill my extinguisher from my master cylinder? I presume that I need some sort if high pressure hose and connectons . Any ideas if what I need and where I can get this stuff?
Fhanks all
Breaky - who cant stop smiling