Cleaning a Mash Master Mini Mill

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Hi, my Mini Mill has got some grain residue on it that won't come off with a steel brush. 2 questions :

1) If I pull it apart is it straight forward to reassemble?

2) What is the best way to get this gunk off?

Very easy to take apart and put back together. I would say a boil and soak in Sodium perk should loosen everything up end then brush if you need to.
I clean mine after every use with warm-hot water and a brush which prevents this from happening in the first place. But the above should work to get rid of it in this instance.
Second that its easy. Take a couple of pics as you do it for reassurance.

I blow mine out with compressed air each time I use it, works a treat.
Cool. Thanks. Just wanted to check before pulling it apart.
Didn't realise cleaning your mini mill was the done thing. Mine's covered in flour and maybe if I look closely some gunk. No rust that I can see. As the grain milling is pre-boil I can't see contamination being a issue. Prolongs the life of the mill?
I wasn't worried about contamination but the last brew I did it jammed up.
You might end up with some bugs in the grain dust on the mill itself maybe? :unsure: I dunno, I just figured it's like every other piece of brewing equipment, it gets cleaned then put away when not in use.
jbaker9 said:
I wasn't worried about contamination but the last brew I did it jammed up.
Mine has never jammed up. I wouldn’t have thought it would jam with grain. Perhaps something like a small stone or piece of string from a grain sack was mixed in with the grain and jammed the gears?
Rocker1986 said:
You might end up with some bugs in the grain dust on the mill itself maybe? :unsure: I dunno, I just figured it's like every other piece of brewing equipment, it gets cleaned then put away when not in use.
What are those little crawlies that get in your grain? Ive got them before in sealed up containers so like weavels, they must of arrived as eggs & hatched afterwards.
I dunno.. I thought they were weevils? I got a shitload of them in a bucket of pilsner malt about 6 months ago, luckily there was only 5kg left in it. It was prompty dumped up in the back yard somewhere and I brewed with some fresh stuff and then bought a couple of 60L fermenter style buckets to store base malt in, at least they have sealable lids.
FFS! All this hand-wringing over an easily-maintained stainless steel\aluminium mill. Rocker 1986 is close.

Hose it when finished, scrub it down if you have to, dry in sun, add couple of drops of oil to bushes\bearings when needed, put away until next time. HHIT? Too easy!
Crusty said:
What are those little crawlies that get in your grain? Ive got them before in sealed up containers so like weavels, they must of arrived as eggs & hatched afterwards.
extra flavour i say
bradsbrew said:
bradsbrew, on 30 Sept 2016 - 9:15 PM, said:

Proteins; is what they is.

barls said:
barls, on 30 Sept 2016 - 10:19 PM, said:

extra flavour i say

Don't fear the foam weevil!

Freeze the affected grain to kill weevils\eggs if you're that fussy or you can also spread your (affected) grain bill on a groundsheet & agitate a few times to get rid of most of them before the mash\boil sorts out what's left.

I just bash it till dust stops dropping.. never considered hosing it off... probably wont change my methods
Weavils swim, while the dead'uns float to the top, if you don't want the extra flavour, scoop them off the top. Feed them to the chooks.
Chridech said:
Weevil protein is good for head retention, my go to when I've run out of wheat.
I prefer Cara-Weevil for the head retention and some colour ;)