Cider help?

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What he ^ said.

Btw, magners (or bulmers) also have a dry version, if I remember right. Bloody tasty. Peel a litchi (lychee for you ignorant island bound 2 headed ****), put it in a champagne flute and pour a dry bulmers on top.
hi guys,
im new to brewing, i mixed a cider store bought in the 30l carboy, with cider yeast, there seems to be no layer of, for want of a better word scum present, even after 6 days. the fermentation is active as the airlock is bubbling away, and its at 24-26 degrees. is this normal with cider ? the beers ive brewed have all had that layer.
Perfectly normal. A lot of ciders and wines don't have a lot o foam on top. They tend to be lower in protein than beers so don't hold a stable foam as well.

The yeasts also tend to be less foamy. Wine /cider yeasts aren't top croppers as a rule.

Hi everyone. I've had a bit of a misshape. I bottled my cider at 1.008 and was planning to stick the bottles in the dishwasher when they carbed up. When I checked the following day, I had gushers. I opened all 100 plus bottles and poured them back into the fermentor. I'm just wondering what affect this will have on the cider? Is oxidation as bad in cider as it is in beer?
Yep. It sure is.

Hopefully the amount of co2 you had gushing out will have protected it somewhat.

Bit late now, but I hear gushing can happen when the CO2 hasn't dissolved into the beer or cider yet. When I was biding my time to pasteurise my cider, I would grab one and leave it in the fridge overnight so the CO2 dissolved in, then checked it the following day. I didn't get any gushers, but as I think I mentioned before, I let it ferment dry then added apple-juice back in.

I'm no expert on this topic so might be incorrect on some details. This video which relates to carbbing is worth watching:
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