fletcher said:
thanks mate, but i don't think i'll go back to venezia any time soon! haha. would love to see italy again, but won't be able to for a few years for $$$ reasons

you are right too, it was very touristy and preferred firenze. i would have liked to see more but didn't have the time there i'd have liked.
also, i finish my exam later today, next week, let's have a beer!
Hi mate!!
good to hear for your last exam!!!!good on ja!
sure next week we can drink together!maybe tonight I'll jump inside the tap house for a beer.
anyway the tip for venice were not for you!!(yeah you can sign it)but for bullsneck!!! he ll go in Italy on holliday.
anyway venice is amazing but is cold...she has no soul....only turism and money...
also in florence there is a lot of turist but it is a real city!!then tuscan are great people!very warm very funny!!all Tuscany is an amazing region!
NewtownClown said:
Once again, I enjoyed a few beers and played trivia with Luigi @ The Union on wednesday - unfortunately no questions on Italy.
Pleased to see he is a Rugby Union fan... might have to watch the Test there on Saturday night...
Yes!good trivia night also if I was been usefull like a worm xxxx in a beach!!!!

next time I hope to give more help!!!
Yeah tomorrow union!!!I will see somewhere don't know where!!If someone of you see the match in any pub..leave me a message!
@bullsneck: new place on florence:
King Grizzly
http://beeradvocate....04/view=beerfly It is in the city center!
Danny Rock
http://www.dannyrock.it they have some industrial and some craft beers.
or If you go outside the city in Grave in Chianti there is the:"La Birroteca di Greve"
http://www.labirrotecadigreve.it/ it's a very good place!
but Insubreman scoled me...because I speak only about beer place and I haven't say to you that florence and venice ot better all the regions where they are(Tuscany and Veneto) are more famouse for their wine!!!!si you need to taste also our amazing wine!
brunello di montalcino
vernaccia di sangimignano
morellino di scansano
and veneto;
Amarone della valpolicella(they do a lot of nice wine in this valley)
prosecco(it is a sparkilng wine similar to champagne...someone say better..

and many more....
If you go in a restaurant and you can't have a good beer...try to taste the wine!
insubreman Are you happy now ?
oh don't drink and drive!!in Italy the alcol limit is like here 0.5 and the fine very expensive, you loose your license and lots of problems...so pay attention...there is a lot of police cars with alcol test special on friday saturday and sunday...but also during the week..
and taxy are very expensive..more than here and pubblic transport are **** in the night...so......you need to find a non drinker driver!!