Christmas In July 2010 Lotto

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28: Ratchie: ************* ale

Not so sure I should have drunk any considering what it's called. Anyway fools rush in etc...

Pours clear golden/amber, nice off white head which dissipates but some lacing remains. Aroma of oranges and yeast.

Carbonation moderate. Flavour is quite tasty - I am a fan but describing it is odd. There is some orange in there, a teeny bit of yeastiness and then something that almost tastes like PoR. Good mouthfeel - it's like James squire golden ale with an old aussie twist. Balanced generally between malt and hops, a good beer, thanks.
12: Isuxius: Imperial dark pale/light brown

Pours relatively clear into a pint glass with off white/tan head that stays. Aroma of earth, wood, ethanol and caramel

Carbonation sherbert (good stuff)

Medium to dry body. I can taste a teeny bit of granny smith which makes me think you have a touch of acetylaldehyde in there. There is also a significant warm alcohol note. Being quite a strong beer, I'm guessing there may have been a little yeast stress along the way which caused these things. I think without them this would be a delicious beer but they dominate just that little bit too much. The earthiness on the finish is quite nice but that ethanol taste is a bit much.

Cheers for the feedback :icon_chickcheers:
It's kind of hard up here to get any feedback about my beer except "that's more malty than my TED's" or "that's nice, it tastes fuller than normal beer". I have mates who brew as well but they don't see the point in brewing anything but k&k. Doesn't stop them coming over for a pint or seven every other week though. :lol:
The bottle I sent to you is one of two that was bottled as leftovers from that batch (I keg). I could taste the warm alcohol from the keg but not apples. I have the other bottle chilling to see if I can pick up the granny smith to see if it's in any of my other brews. It might be more pronounced from the bottle or I might not be able to detect it.
Tomorrow will tell :)
Try half chilled and half at room temp. I tend not to chill my beers unless it's summer so a lot of flavours can be more pronounced. Was subtle but distinct.
2. WSC - Public: RECEIVED Consumed
4. Sydneyhappyhour- RECEIVED Consumed
6. beerDingo -
8. Argon -public: RECEIVED
10. Siborg - RECEIEVED
12. Isuxius - public: RECEIVED: Consumed
14. gulpa - public: RECEIVED
20.pike1973: RECEIVED
22.Smilee: RECEIVED - above and beyond mate - 1 longneck plus 3 stubbies? Cheers
26. Haldini - public: RECEIVED
28. Ratchie: RECEIVED
30.beerhog - public: RECEIVED - 1 consumed, 1 saved
32. AndrewQLD - public: RECEIVED - 1 consumed, 1 saved
34. Homebrewer79 - public: RECEIVED: Consumed
40. QldKev - public: RECEIVED: Consumed
42. booyablack - public: RECEIVED
44.Smilee - public
52. Cocko: RECEIVED
58. O'Henry
70. Aussiechucka - private: RECEIVED

Brought yours in to try tonight Gulpa. Looks like a commitment.
21. DKS - Honey Bitter

Poured a nice golden, with good clarity. Moderate white head with good retention.
Malt and moderate fruitiness in the aroma, no hops.
Medium bitterness and moderate fruity esters. Moderate earthy hop flavour followed by clean malt with honey and toffee in the finish. A delightful profile, and well balanced. Dry finish with some warming alcohol.
Medium body with moderate carbonation.
DKS, this was a delicious beer. I made the school boy error of trying to drink it too cold out of the fridge, but put it aside when I realised what I was doing. Naturally, a bit of temp really bought out the best in this drop, and I was very sorry to see the bottom of that bottle. I trust it was well received by the gurus at your case swap, or they must be very hard to please!

Congrats and cheers.

im just curious to see if mine has made it there yet?
Well it's getting late so what better time than now to try Gulpa's belgian strong ale that sits at a mere 13 %?

Pours with a thick head that disappears immediately. I presume the alc content is not likely to be friendly in that regard. pours clear amber. Aroma of honey, orange and a hint of alcohol. Carbonation moderate. Flavour - oranges and warm alcohol. At 13% I expect a bit of alcohol and it's well placed. Definitely not domineering. Tiny hint of sweet orange at the finish. A real christmas beverage to be enjoyed in small glasses - gives me that warm feeling in the chest you get when you have a touch of port or whisky.

The orange flavour (not generic citrus but actual orange) is something I get in Chimay white - not sure if it's hop related or ester related but I'd love to know the secret. So far there's a couple of recipes I've been chasing and no-one has been forthcoming. Andrew QLD is one, Beerhog another and now this one. Recipe, mash schedule and any specific fermentation notes please guys.
Glad you enjoyed. Its a bit over the top at 13% I think - I was aiming for 11 which would have been better but forgot how attenuative 1388 can be. No secret to the orange flavour, its from dried tangerine peel.


Well it's getting late so what better time than now to try Gulpa's belgian strong ale that sits at a mere 13 %?

Pours with a thick head that disappears immediately. I presume the alc content is not likely to be friendly in that regard. pours clear amber. Aroma of honey, orange and a hint of alcohol. Carbonation moderate. Flavour - oranges and warm alcohol. At 13% I expect a bit of alcohol and it's well placed. Definitely not domineering. Tiny hint of sweet orange at the finish. A real christmas beverage to be enjoyed in small glasses - gives me that warm feeling in the chest you get when you have a touch of port or whisky.

The orange flavour (not generic citrus but actual orange) is something I get in Chimay white - not sure if it's hop related or ester related but I'd love to know the secret. So far there's a couple of recipes I've been chasing and no-one has been forthcoming. Andrew QLD is one, Beerhog another and now this one. Recipe, mash schedule and any specific fermentation notes please guys.
hey manticle , not trying to keep the recipe from ya mate its just i dont actualy have it anymore! it was in beersmith when my harddrive carked it, now ive lost all my recipes but learnt a lesson to back everything up on paper. besides what i had in my last post i think the only thing was i used dingmans pils base and weyerman for the specs.i dont have a copy of the book here (i borrow my old mans when i need it) but the recipe is straight out of it with only adjustments to hops based on ibu levels required. it was hallertau bitterin and styrians for flavour and dry hop for memory.
if you dont have brewing classic styles let me know and i will pm the recipe out of the book to you next time i visit my parents place.once again sorry if it seemed like i was trying to be vague but its unfortunatly all ive got atm.
I have brewing classic styles so I'll give it a crack. Didn't know it came from there.

yeah its the belgian specialty ale recipe.
Try half chilled and half at room temp. I tend not to chill my beers unless it's summer so a lot of flavours can be more pronounced. Was subtle but distinct.
Can I just say the keg was better :lol:
I was trying hard for the granny smith but wasn't able to pick it. I guess I need to develop my palate to pick these things up.
The carbonation was waaay over the top from what I expected but the head was fairly subdued compared with the keg. Even SWMBO commented it wasn't as "creamy" :)

Overall probably a 6 out of 10 whereas the keg was an 8.
I knew there was a reason I stopped bottling. :D

Sorry Manticle
No need to apologise. I had a little bit left in reserve and tasted again last night - still getting an apple characteristic.

Cocko: Something in a bottle

No probs with carb A - pours with a fluffy meringue like head. Aroma is subdued hops with a touch of malt. Colour is golden, slightly murky.

Flavour is a bit of malt and hops in balance - neither one way or the other but not insipid. Reminds me a little of Duvel*, malty but not caramel, bitter but not way way hoppy. Good beer, very much enjoying and a nice break from highly hopped and high alc beers I've had of late. Cheers

*Not the same as Duvel obviously - I think the hops are completely different for a start although I can't place them. Also I'm drinking out of a duvel glass.
Argon: Baltic Porter

Pours midnight black with a big thick off white head that remains. When it reduces the lacing is very pronounced.

Aroma of treacle.

Carbonation mild/sherbert (mmmmmmmmmmmmm), mouthfeel full.

Flavour - treacle, liquorice and malt. I probably should have saved this beer for the end of the evening as it's a finisher. definitely my kind of beer - full, rich, flavoursome. While I love strong beer and I love a good porter, my only experience of baltics is the zywiec. Zywiec is lovely but the bottles I've had recently have a really unpleasant metallic taste that spoils it. Warm alc too but that fits a 9% beer and is not unpleasant.

This one (argon's) has neither warm alc nor metal - very smooth.

My only criticism would be that you haven't offered me the recipe and mash schedule.
Argon: Baltic Porter

My only criticism would be that you haven't offered me the recipe and mash schedule.[/i]

Thanks for the feedback... really happy you enjoyed it and it got to you in decent condition. I was very satisfied with this one I just thought that the darker the brew the more sins it would hide!! :rolleyes:

Was very interesting how over time it changed its profile. Started very chocolaty after a few weeks conditioning. The longer I left it the more complex it got started giving me dark fruits and a touch of alc warmth the last few pints before the keg blew (after about 4 months) I also got a small taste of licorice. I Eis-ed this one for a couple of weeks at -6C just for ***** and giggles. Seemed to smooth out things quite a bit too. Not too heavy, my estimate was about 6.5%ABV after Eis-ing I initially collected 38L (2 cubes at 17L plus 2L top up) Of the 19L into fermenter lost 4 to Eis-ing etc.

Did this one with US05 cool at 17C, as I wasnt all that confident with my yeast handling using a lager yeast. I still have another cube (17L) ready to pitch and after I do my Munich Helles with Hella Bock 2487PC lager yeast. Ill be pitching this on the cake. Be nice to note the difference in yeast.

Now Im all keen for another dark beer. Not to style but used some left over Chinook for bittering then finished with Hallertau. Cant really pick the hops in this so didnt really matter to me. Heres the particulars; :icon_cheers:

BeerSmith Recipe Printout -
Recipe: Baltic Porter
Brewer: Argon
Asst Brewer:
Style: Baltic Porter
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0) Initially chocolate and chewy.... after a few weeks plum, dark fruit, port?? starting to warm up a bit with a little alc.

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 30.00 L (final volume collected 38L)
Boil Size: 35.59 L
Estimated OG: 1.068 SG
Estimated Color: 79.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 32.6 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.20 kg Munich I Malt (Weyermann) (14.5 EBC) Grain 55.03 %
3.30 kg Pilsner Malt (Weyermann) (4.0 EBC) Grain 34.92 %
0.40 kg Carafa Special T2 Malt (Weyermann) (1150Grain 4.23 %
0.40 kg Chocolate Malt Pale (Thomas Fawcett) (650.Grain 4.23 %
0.15 kg Caraaroma Malt (Weyermann) (400.0 EBC) Grain 1.59 %
33.00 gm Chinook [11.40 %] (60 min) Hops 25.6 IBU
33.00 gm Hallertau Mittelfrueh [5.20 %] (20 min) Hops 7.1 IBU
1.00 tsp Koppafloc (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1.00 tsp Salt (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body
Total Grain Weight: 9.45 kg
Single Infusion, Full Body
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
90 min Mash In Add 28.35 L of water at 74.0 C 67.0 C
10 min Mash Out Add 9.83 L of water and heat to 75.075.0 C

No Chill adjustment -15mins from each hop addition
Tertiary conditioning frozen to -6C for 14 days then racked into keg off ice
Try second cube with Lager Yeast

1. Aussiechucka - private : Received
5. Muggus - I'll put my entry in with your HUB case swap beers : Received
13. NickB - Public Feedback : Received
17.Chadjaja : Received
21.DKS. Yes, Feedback please. Thinking of brewing again with slightly different base malt. : Received
25. Josh - public feedback, to be sent late July as per PM
69. MattC - Public : Received
67. J1gsaw : Received
75. Planner - public feedback, only if you get around to it (wasn't the reason I entered) : Received
79. bum - public feedback : Received