Christmas Get Together

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Thanks Linz, but I won't be able to make it :( Heading out bush to visit the inlaws instead.
Have a few drinks for me, but not too many - Sorry to hear about your Type 2 diabetes mate :( You still going to brew occasionally or are you completely banished?

You still going to brew occasionally or are you completely banished?


Not totally off it.

I wasnt a BIG drinker in the first place(not that I should be mentioning it here!!) so same intake, but lower S.G's and lower mash temps.....and watch what I nibble whilst I drink

Drinks next Saturday !!!!!
See you down at the george in a couple of hours......
Ohhhhh my head !!!!!

Great afternoon with everyone .

Pumpy :)
Yes it was a great couple of hours Pumpy.

Heres a couple of pics of the arvo



By the way, the George was offering German wheat beer on tap too...YUMMY!
Sounds like Jayse will be heading down our way on Sunday-Lunch-time-ish.

So it seems like we'll be doing a repeat of the Christmas drinks this Sunday!!

Any other AHBers coming along??