?? more info Winkle,The Saaz appears to be quite old stock, I might keep it for Lambics .
?? more info Winkle,
How did your brews go with the CHN Saaz?
I was going to use them today........
I have changed my mind on doing any late Chinese hops though......I've got 60g of Czech Saaz I will use at 15 mins and dry hop...
For 40L batch, I'm gonna go for 200g of CHN Saaz in Boil and 60g Czech Saaz DH.PB,
was going to do a CAP yesterday/today but changed my mind after playing with them and went for a saison and hefe house beers (mainly since I'm out of stock). The saaz pellets just look (and smell) like old stock, I don't know how much joy you'll get out of dry hopping with them. I'd be inclined to go late rather than DH but good luck. Are you bringing some samples to BABBs?
Hmmm..... if I had to take a guess, I'd say no, but I really hope I'm wrong. I've got it chilling now and it will be ready to drink by saturday week, I'll report back then.
OK I have the beer in front of me now, 120g total hops, no hop aroma at all and a hint of hop flavour that could be anything. Fortunately the acidic aftertaste seems to have eased and I won't have to chuck the keg. This beer is an acceptable lawnmower beer and that is it.
I'll be using about 18IBU's (20g in 8L) worth of the CHN Saaz in a Fruit Beer tomorrow, I'll let you know how it eventually turns out. Given that it's not a hoppy beer I doubt there's be any ill effects. From most of the feedback using these hops for IPA's or other high IBU:SG ratio beers is probably a bad idea.
I'm quite a pleb when it comes to aromas so I can probably go as far as saying "good" or "bad" in my feedback unless there is something that is abhorrent wafting out of the boiler or fermenter.
If they are truly bogus then I will pop them in to a paper bag and use them for Lambics/Gueze.
I must say I am not the greatest fan of Saaz a the best of times , but the beer was drinkable i can get into the kegs quickly as I filter so I perhaps have to wait for this to age a little to comment on it s flavour
If you can manage to jump into Franco's wheels & get up to the Kin Kinofest (No affiliation :lol: ) on March 20th you will be able to dump that ***** keg onto unsuspecting Qld hicks & their Qld resident mates.
Don't forget to bring lots of your new stickers mate. :beer: We have been waiting patiently.
PS ---- Don't forget Hogan.
plus one GG
That wasn't a bad drop, I'll be knocking out a all c-saaz CAP shortly and will have a talk with BribieG first reguarding the hopping.