Chinese Varieties

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The Saaz appears to be quite old stock, I might keep it for Lambics :) .
The Saaz appears to be quite old stock, I might keep it for Lambics :) .
?? more info Winkle,

How did your brews go with the CHN Saaz?

I was going to use them today........ :eek:

I have changed my mind on doing any late Chinese hops though......I've got 60g of Czech Saaz I will use at 15 mins and dry hop...

?? more info Winkle,

How did your brews go with the CHN Saaz?

I was going to use them today........ :eek:

I have changed my mind on doing any late Chinese hops though......I've got 60g of Czech Saaz I will use at 15 mins and dry hop...


was going to do a CAP yesterday/today but changed my mind after playing with them and went for a saison and hefe house beers (mainly since I'm out of stock). The saaz pellets just look (and smell) like old stock, I don't know how much joy you'll get out of dry hopping with them. I'd be inclined to go late rather than DH but good luck. Are you bringing some samples to BABBs?
was going to do a CAP yesterday/today but changed my mind after playing with them and went for a saison and hefe house beers (mainly since I'm out of stock). The saaz pellets just look (and smell) like old stock, I don't know how much joy you'll get out of dry hopping with them. I'd be inclined to go late rather than DH but good luck. Are you bringing some samples to BABBs?
For 40L batch, I'm gonna go for 200g of CHN Saaz in Boil and 60g Czech Saaz DH.

I'll be bringing the 60min IPA (All Chinese Cascade) to BABBS.

The BABBS "All Munich" project is using my fermentation fridge and will be in there for another 2 weeks at least. :angry: I hate Lagers... No wonder I never make them.


Edit - Litres
Hmmm..... if I had to take a guess, I'd say no, but I really hope I'm wrong. I've got it chilling now and it will be ready to drink by saturday week, I'll report back then.

OK I have the beer in front of me now, 120g total hops, no hop aroma at all and a hint of hop flavour that could be anything. Fortunately the acidic aftertaste seems to have eased and I won't have to chuck the keg. This beer is an acceptable lawnmower beer and that is it.


OK I have the beer in front of me now, 120g total hops, no hop aroma at all and a hint of hop flavour that could be anything. Fortunately the acidic aftertaste seems to have eased and I won't have to chuck the keg. This beer is an acceptable lawnmower beer and that is it.



Mate, if you've got some US cascade make a hop tea in a coffee plunger - ahla Bribie - using about 6gm (5 minutes) and dump in in the keg after mixing in some chilled water. My IPA is quite OKish now.
The IPA I made with MP is a grave disappointment. The bitterness is odd and I agree with the description used by others to call it oily and harsh. It had ample late hopping including a tea ball dropped into the keg. The first pint had some nice floral aroma and I thought it would be OK, but every pint there after has had nudda (save from the small additions of other hops added late). The rest of the MP will now be considered 'compost grade'.

I still have some saaz & cascade but I'm not so keen to try them now and eager for some feedback on them. Cheap hops aint cheap if they waste good malt

The Cascade is the brownest of the chinese hops I got but Bribie & some have said it's OK for bittering. All the same once bitten twice shy, so I'm keen for those that have tried it to offer more feedback.

I know that there's been a bit of tension with these hops and some post have needed to be cleaned up, but for the 100+ folks that bought them there has been very few constructive comments on them. So come on folks what have you brewed and tasted with these?
I'll be using about 18IBU's (20g in 8L) worth of the CHN Saaz in a Fruit Beer tomorrow, I'll let you know how it eventually turns out. Given that it's not a hoppy beer I doubt there's be any ill effects. From most of the feedback using these hops for IPA's or other high IBU:SG ratio beers is probably a bad idea.

I'm quite a pleb when it comes to aromas so I can probably go as far as saying "good" or "bad" in my feedback unless there is something that is abhorrent wafting out of the boiler or fermenter.

If they are truly bogus then I will pop them in to a paper bag and use them for Lambics/Gueze.
so far my experiance with the hops is ,the sazz can make a reasonable beer if not over done on the late additions. it is nothing like cz sazz but really who expected it to be.the cascade i think has an ordinary flavour profile with no aroma but a real plasticky plastic i mean resiny but not in a good way more like drinking a pint of diesel or some thing.
I'll be using about 18IBU's (20g in 8L) worth of the CHN Saaz in a Fruit Beer tomorrow, I'll let you know how it eventually turns out. Given that it's not a hoppy beer I doubt there's be any ill effects. From most of the feedback using these hops for IPA's or other high IBU:SG ratio beers is probably a bad idea.

I'm quite a pleb when it comes to aromas so I can probably go as far as saying "good" or "bad" in my feedback unless there is something that is abhorrent wafting out of the boiler or fermenter.

If they are truly bogus then I will pop them in to a paper bag and use them for Lambics/Gueze.

Well I'll start with the statement that the jury is still out on the CHN Saaz.

I opened up the bag to get a surprisingly spicy Saaz aroma, (the Cascades I also had a wiff of and were pretty disappointing, brown and lacking any discernable aroma). During the boil there was a subtle but relatively pleasant aroma wafting from the boiler.

My major disappointment was when I decided to stick my finger in to the leftover wort that remained after syphoning off in to the fermenter. OMFG! it was woeful! an initial hit of bitterness, then a lingering one long after. I have a feeling this may just be my own silliness for sampling trub and hop debris - I'm yet to sample anything out of the fermenter.

I'm left hoping I haven't ruined this beer by using these CHN Saaz.
At the expense of double posting I thought I'd give my final update on my CHN Saaz exploration.

I was really dreading sampling today, so much so I had a litre of orange soda to wash down any nasty flavours. Suffice to say it wasn't needed, aside from being rather overtly yeasty (trying to blame the cats for any current emissions) there were none of the burnt plastic type bitterness I experienced on Saturday.

I will happily continue using my CHN Saaz for beers around the 15-25IBU mark. I think attempting to make a hoppy beer from these hops would be disappointment waiting to happen.

All in all great value for what you get.
Just made a 40L pIlsner with about 220 grams Chinese SaaZ in it and Filtered and into the kegs

I really think it need lagering a bit more before I can make judgement .

Anyone had experience with this hop ?

Pumpy .
While I didn't participate in the bulk buy, I had chance to sample BribieG's all Chinese Saaz Aussie Lager. It was pretty passable, although like your brew Pumpy he had to use a bucketload of hops. It may have lacked the finesse of a beer using European hops, but it was pretty pleasant and it was certainly one of the better beers I have tried that have used Chinese hops...

I'll let Bribie comment in due course in his own time...

My 2c
Pumpy lad.

I used 133 gms of Chinese Saaz in my last 25lt. Boh.Pils. for an IBU of 40. There was no similarity in the taste to any Saaz I have used in the past and when the finished product was green there was a distinct lingering bitterness in the throat. It is now about a month old and the throat bitterness has gone and it is a drinkable beer but in future I will mix my NZ halletauer with it. Whether it was the first use of the WLP830 or something to do with the hops but this was the brightest beer I have ever made, no need for filtering and I always filter my lagers.

Cheers, Hoges.
plus one GG :p

That wasn't a bad drop, I'll be knocking out a all c-saaz CAP shortly and will have a talk with BribieG first reguarding the hopping. :)
I must say I am not the greatest fan of Saaz a the best of times , but the beer was drinkable i can get into the kegs quickly as I filter so I perhaps have to wait for this to age a little to comment on it s flavour

I must say I am not the greatest fan of Saaz a the best of times , but the beer was drinkable i can get into the kegs quickly as I filter so I perhaps have to wait for this to age a little to comment on it s flavour


If you can manage to jump into Franco's wheels & get up to the Kin Kinofest (No affiliation :lol: ) on March 20th you will be able to dump that ***** keg onto unsuspecting Qld hicks & their Qld resident mates.
Don't forget to bring lots of your new stickers mate. :beer: We have been waiting patiently. ;)


PS ---- Don't forget Hogan.
If you can manage to jump into Franco's wheels & get up to the Kin Kinofest (No affiliation :lol: ) on March 20th you will be able to dump that ***** keg onto unsuspecting Qld hicks & their Qld resident mates.
Don't forget to bring lots of your new stickers mate. :beer: We have been waiting patiently. ;)


PS ---- Don't forget Hogan.

Pete unsure if hogans pacemaker will keep him going He has never been the same since in Mc Donalds they made him a coffe with no beans in the machine ,hell he was pissed off

Pumpy :)
plus one GG

That wasn't a bad drop, I'll be knocking out a all c-saaz CAP shortly and will have a talk with BribieG first reguarding the hopping. :)

I just finished the keg today :( and I'll be doing it again, but with far lower bittering hops and some Hersbrucker to finish. As previous posters, not a bad drop for the money. Also I have 900g to wade through :p

50g 90 min
30g 20 min
20g 10 min

Next brew:

40g 90 min
15g and 15g Hersbrucker 20 min
20g Hersbrucker 10 min

For a CAP I'd go Amarillo

I made a beer recently with the Chinese hops- called MP SMASH. recipe-

50L batch

12kg Marris Otter

50g Marco Polo at 60, 15, 10, 5, 0

Belgian strong ale yeast

Overall- it's difficult to separate the yeast flavours form the hop flavours, but it's all right. It's not fantastic- I'd take US Cascade or Centennial over it any day, but the hops are all right. They are grassy (to be expected from a US hop copy) and some citrussy, grapefruity flavours. Interesting stuff.

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