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i grew the naga jolokia...... they turned out to be the pc-1 variety that is long and slim. they are an ok chilli but are not hot at all. they are thin fleshed and full of seeds. i wont grow them again.

I've got the real Naga Jolokia (not the PC-1) and after it fruits can send you some seeds Tony. Perhaps we could do a swap of NJ for Trinidad Scorpion or 7 Pot?
I've got the real Naga Jolokia (not the PC-1) and after it fruits can send you some seeds Tony. Perhaps we could do a swap of NJ for Trinidad Scorpion or 7 Pot?

If theres one or two seeds going spare i could easily take them off your hands boys?
There will be seeds spare when it grows big n strong. It's only about 2.5cm tall at the moment with its dicotyledon leaves. Given I paid a lot of money for about 5 seeds, I'm not sending any of them until I get fruit from the one I sowed... I am more than happy to share the love when I've got love to share. Which reminds me... I was meant to send a bottle of beer to SJW months ago. Sorry mate, I'll get on top of it soon!

These naga chillis go by lots of names.

There are 3 different ones. Naga Morich, Bih Jolokia and Bhut Jolokia. They are all a bit different but all come in with the same blistering heat levels.

Which one have you got growing?

I have seeds for the Bih and Bhut Jolokia on their way from england but will save some scorpion and 7 pot seeds for everyone if i can get then growing.

Hi Tony,

I've got the Bhut Jolokia from Chillibird.

It looks like I was meant to get 10 seeds, but only received 7. I might shoot them an e-mail. :)
HEy airgead

does this look similar?

If you can post a pic it would be great...... i may be able to help.... or find out for you.

are they growing erect or down?



Apologies for the delay... its been tricky finding a fine day to take some photos. After looking at you photo I'd say its almost certainly a birdseye.

Here is the plant (and this week's harvest) -


In case any one is wondering that's 92 chilies in that last photo. I last picked 2 weeks ago and there are at least as many again on the bush still unripe (I did mention that it was a heavy cropper didn't I...). I think I'm getting around 40 a week at the moment.

10 of them went to make a medium heat thai style sauce -

10 chillis (probably birdseye) roughly chopped
1 medium onion (chopped)
1 clove garlic (chopped)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup fish sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 bunch coriander

Heat some oil in a pan. Add the chili, onion and garlic and cook gently till the onion is translucent. Add the sugar and liquid ingredients. Bring to a boil and cook till it starts to thicken slightly. Add the coriander at flameout. Bung in the blender and blend till fairly smooth. Goes great with some chicken or fish.

airgead.... yeah thats what it looks like. Nothing wrong with them!

NRB. I got all my seeds from her........ my seeds were all over the place!

White bullet habs brew to be Indian PC-1
Manzano red grew to be Manzano yellow
red habaneros grew to be Red Savina (not complaining..... they are twice as hot)
and in amongst all the chocolate habs i planted, a black pearl chilli plant grew..... nothing like the others.

Im a menber of a couple of large international chilli growing forums and a few have said to had troubles with chillibird seeds.

I got mine from england this time round..... just waiting on them to turn up. THey have genuine seeds fron indian plant stock.

I wont trust chillibird seeds again.

I hope yours work out OK because thay are the hottest most awsome chillis.

Hi Tony,

I've got the Bhut Jolokia from Chillibird.

It looks like I was meant to get 10 seeds, but only received 7. I might shoot them an e-mail. :)

must be a store policy to under supply, cause i got 8 in my pack.. :( i know its only 2 or 3 seeds but still. i planted some of mine today, i hope i dont have any mystery plants! the seeds looked pretty uniform from pack to pack but blowed if i can
tell the difference between an ancho or a poblano seed just by looking at them!
I have bought from chillibird seeds on ebay - are they the smae mob as the ebay store seems to have closed now but the range of seeds seems to be similar. Had huge issues with the birds eyes and choc habs. Ended up buying seedlings from my local mitre 10. Scary thought as i was very successful growing chillies in the UK but cant get them to germinate here!
I contacted Melissa and it turns out that when I purchased they were only offering 7 seeds as they didn't have many. Now that their plants are producing, they're offering more per pack.

I've never had problems germinating anything from seed. Somehow I've got a knack with growing things... I wish I could brew as well as I can grow.

I hope the plant turns out to be the Bhut Jolokia, she added this to the e-mail "They truly are the most intensely hot chillies, so beware."

I'll keep you nuts posted...
My Bhut and Bih Jolokia seeds turned up from england yesterday so i will be growing these nasties next season also. I have read that the trinidad scorpions are hotter in the mouth than the Naga's but have less flavour.

biting into one is going to be a special experience.

here is my harvest from this arvo. all the reds on the left are Indian PC-1..... they are ****. Bitter and no heat. I chuched them in the bin and will rip the plants out and chuck them.

orange habs in the center....... i have about 100 of them in the freezer now, and some black pearl and goatswweed hotties on the right corners

My chocolate habs are almost ripe and i have a ton of manzano's getting bigger and bigger.


Nice Haul Tony and sorry to hear how disappointed you are in the PC-1's. My habaneros are still green, but the weather's heating up at the end of the week... Shoot some pictures of the chocolate habs when they're done.

I think I've deduced the one I ate at Bunnings as a Fresno.

I'm frightened as all hell to bite into the Naga when it's available, and will only do it after my mates have proved it's safe for human consumption!
Rightyo - I have 8 orange habs (same as Tony's). Im making your sauce on the weekend Tony. If i keep the seeds, let them dry out, chuck em in a paper bag (apparently brown ones are the best, but I doubt the seeds really care!!) would I be able to try and grow seedlings again in spring from those seeds? What do you chaps do with your seeds if you want to harvest them?

P.S. Theres plenty more on the bush that are starting to turn orange, I didnt just get 8.

Edit: With your recipe Tony I dont think I can get paw paw down here - anything else a good substitute? Also would normal brown malt vinegar be ok instead of the cider vinegar?
Hi Steve.

I bust out some seeds and dry them on a plate in a warm dry place (on top of a cupboard in the kitchen), for a week. give them a move around with your finger each day so they dont stick. I put them in a small plactic zip tie bag and they will live in there for years.

Just remember that if your chillis have been grown around other varieties..... that can cross polinate, meaning the plant that grows may not be a true strain...... like breeding a german shepard with a poodle..... your not going to get a pure bred german shepard as a result.

I like to re plant each year with fresh pure strain seeds that ive bought. They net the plants to keep them pure strain.

Give it a go anyway and see what happens..... if its not growing around other varieties it should be right.

The sauce. No Paw Paw.... use 2 mangoes....... or pinaple!!!!!!!!!

I recon half a pinaple, 1 or 2 mangoes, some peach, or apricot. what ever tickley your fancy fruit wise. Its like brewing...... ITs only limited by your imagination.

Dont use brown vinigar with sweet fruit...... yuck.

a 2 liter bottle of half decent cidar vinigar will cost you all of $2 af the supermarket. Dont be a tight arse! you will eating this sauce for a while..... dont ruin it to save a dollar or 2.


Edit..... you could get away with using no vinigar... just use a bit more lime juice! would probably be better.

Im thinking of making some tomorrow with les habs (4 or 5) and just mango and lime juice. will be good on ice cream.

here is how many habs i have so far.... and there is another 15 going orange out the back with litterally hundreds more green ones. Plus the slavinia red and chocolate habs.

Im a bit scared

My first harvest. Im so proud :)


These are going into my first chilli sauce i'm making this arvo. Using quarter of a rock melon instead of the paw paw.

record yourself eating your first one raw steve and put it on youtube for us !! the suspense is killing us all! :D
record yourself eating your first one raw steve and put it on youtube for us !! the suspense is killing us all! :D

I wish I had a vid camera yesterday!

TIP OF THE DAY: NEVER chop habeneros and then go to the dunny for a pee. The ole fella is a very sensitive part of the body! F&^%uck me dead. Couple of seconds later he was burning....then stupid me tried washing him with cold water in the bathroom sink with the very same hands that were covered in habenero resin. Give me farking child birth any day. I have never experienced pain like it. I ended up in a cold shower with me ole fella n balls in a plastic measuring jug full of cold water!!!! It lasted for about half an hour! The pain was so intense - he was on fire and red raw!. Came out of the bathroom in agony to find my wife with a frozen bag of peas on her mouth. She had touched some surface that I had and put her fingers to her mouth...She was NOT happy. "Those frigging chillis have got to go. Never chop them in here again" It was very I was making Indian for dinner! So yeah, tip of the day - where rubber cloves when chopping these f^%$uckers! and throw the chopping board in the bin afterwards. :lol: