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Remembering that chicken is making my mouth water :(

My ham sandwich is going to taste bland today.
Last night my son was playing with his toy lawnmower - swinging it around above his head as they do etc etc. He got a bit too close to my habenero plant (which is in a pot). He clipped the bush and a few leaves fell off etc. Later on I was inspecting the above fore-mentioned plant and noticed a little hab on the floor. Probably about 3 cm long. So in the mouth it went. Yum - slightly hot but nothing to write home about. Anyways....later on again and after several beers I noticed another hab on the floor probably about 6 cm long. Picked him up by the stalk and bit the thing off in one go. Gave it a few good crunches and gulp down it went.....welllllllll f*&^*$^ck me dead I thought I was going to die. My mouth was in severe pain. I gulped a drink of me beer - didnt do anything. What could I do I'd never tasted anything like it (even though I love my vindaloos). My eyes started watering, my tongue was hanging out like a dog on a hot day panting. I ran in side and grabbed the carton of milk and drank and drank. This relieved the pain for a few seconds. It wouldnt f^%$&*kin go away. I opened the freezer and grabbed an ice cube. Sucked on that for 5 mins - nothing - no relief whatsoever. It felt as it my throat was swelling up and my tongue was now the size of a camels. In went another ice cube. This lasted for probably half an hour! My wife was just shaking her head laughing, my son asked are those chillis hot dad! Oh yeah slightly - I answered. All night I could feel it in my stomach, doing some serious melt down inside. I was dreading going to the dunny this morning. Anyway just thought I would share that with all you other more experienced chilli munchers.
Last night my son was playing with his toy lawnmower - swinging it around above his head as they do etc etc. He got a bit too close to my habenero plant (which is in a pot). He clipped the bush and a few leaves fell off etc. Later on I was inspecting the above fore-mentioned plant and noticed a little hab on the floor. Probably about 3 cm long. So in the mouth it went. Yum - slightly hot but nothing to write home about. Anyways....later on again and after several beers I noticed another hab on the floor probably about 6 cm long. Picked him up by the stalk and bit the thing off in one go. Gave it a few good crunches and gulp down it went.....welllllllll f*&^*$^ck me dead I thought I was going to die. My mouth was in severe pain. I gulped a drink of me beer - didnt do anything. What could I do I'd never tasted anything like it (even though I love my vindaloos). My eyes started watering, my tongue was hanging out like a dog on a hot day panting. I ran in side and grabbed the carton of milk and drank and drank. This relieved the pain for a few seconds. It wouldnt f^%$&*kin go away. I opened the freezer and grabbed an ice cube. Sucked on that for 5 mins - nothing - no relief whatsoever. It felt as it my throat was swelling up and my tongue was now the size of a camels. In went another ice cube. This lasted for probably half an hour! My wife was just shaking her head laughing, my son asked are those chillis hot dad! Oh yeah slightly - I answered. All night I could feel it in my stomach, doing some serious melt down inside. I was dreading going to the dunny this morning. Anyway just thought I would share that with all you other more experienced chilli munchers.

What a rush eh Steve?

It's good - and addictive. :D

I sit here and drink beer, spend time on the internet. Hoping - no, fantasing about the cops rolling up. Just so I can resist arrest and get a face full of capscicum spray! :lol: We call it the Scarey Carey.

Habs are nice - but you need a curry to dilute the heat. Not your bottom to do that on the way out!


Bwhaaaaaa... Steve, that really made me laugh! I'm scared to try my Habs and even more scared to try my Nagas now!

I had a similar story on Sunday whilst at Bunnings. I noted some "ornamental" chillis with large red upstanding fruits not unlike capsicums and similar to habs, approximately 5cm long and 2cm diameter. I tore one off the bush and took a small nibble to assess how hot they were. It tasted like a capsicum, nice and sweet with a touch of background heat. I thought they'd be great for stuffing. I decided to munch on half the thing... bloody hell, this sucker was HOT! No sweet taste like capsicum anymore, it was all heat. Strong heat. My mouth was watering so much I was making slurping noises whilst I did the rest of my Bunnings shopping! Needless to say, I've kept the other half and will be planting a seed... it didn't last anywhere near as long as yours Steve, and there wasn't any ring sting the following day thankfully!
What a rush eh Steve?

Not the first thing that sprang to mind InCider :lol: the only rushing was my legs round n round in circles wondering what the f&^%ck to do!

Bwhaaaaaa... Steve, that really made me laugh! I'm scared to try my Habs and even more scared to try my Nagas now!

I had a similar story on Sunday whilst at Bunnings. I noted some "ornamental" chillis with large red upstanding fruits not unlike capsicums and similar to habs, approximately 5cm long and 2cm diameter. I tore one off the bush and took a small nibble to assess how hot they were. It tasted like a capsicum, nice and sweet with a touch of background heat. I thought they'd be great for stuffing. I decided to munch on half the thing... bloody hell, this sucker was HOT! No sweet taste like capsicum anymore, it was all heat. Strong heat. My mouth was watering so much I was making slurping noises whilst I did the rest of my Bunnings shopping! Needless to say, I've kept the other half and will be planting a seed... it didn't last anywhere near as long as yours Steve, and there wasn't any ring sting the following day thankfully!

Not a bad idea to get a few seeds - I mean you have to try before you buy. Same as at woolies, you're allowed to eat a couple of grapes n nuts etc. I hope you'd stopped slurping by the time you got to the check out chick!
Rightyo eres a pic of my "green" habeneros........


And then these two little "orange" ones have decided to grow....on the same plant :unsure:


Whats the go? Orange and green on the same plant? Are the green ones going to turn orange?


Edit...the orange ones are more rounded than the baby green ones. The green ones are more bullet shape when they are that little.???
I'd say you've got an orange Habanero on your hands Steve.
yeah steve.... its an orange Hab.

They all start green then turn orange.

I have orange habs, red habs, chocolate habs (brown ones) that are all green and then ripen to theit respective colour.

If youve been eating green ones and think they are hot, the ripe ones are much hotter!

Have a look at the last pic i posted of my 3rd harvest. look at the chilli on the far right of the pic. It burnt me for ages, i drooled all over the back yard. I was sweating, drooling, spitting, you name it.

let them ripen mate. just cause that arnt getting any bigger doesnt mean they are ready to eat.

I picked another dozen today, used 10 of them in less than a liter of sauce.

will post a pic and recipe in a bit

sweet - thanks NRB and Tony. Cant wait to taste them when they are actually ripe! :huh:
do you have a green orange tree as well steve ?

:lol: :lol: :p

Sorry, had to have a bit of a stir.

mine turn from green to orange in a couple of hours in hot weather. I picked 10 ripe ones to make sauce yeaterday and left no orange ones on the bushes. i went down there at 3pm and there 5 more bright orange chillis........ i have a dozen on there thismorning :eek:

do you have a green orange tree as well steve ?

:lol: :lol: :p

Sorry, had to have a bit of a stir.

mine turn from green to orange in a couple of hours in hot weather. I picked 10 ripe ones to make sauce yeaterday and left no orange ones on the bushes. i went down there at 3pm and there 5 more bright orange chillis........ i have a dozen on there thismorning :eek:


any chance of some sauce recipes tony?
ahhhh sauce.

i made one the other night with fruit and its tops!

i used:

1 mango
1/2 paw paw
1 large peach...... you could use 2 of 3 if you want.
10 ripe orange habaneros
juice of 3 limes
1/4 cup cider vinigar
1/4 cup water
1 cinemon stick, left whole

remove the chilli's stalks and chop coursly. I just chopped them into 3 or 4 pieces, seeds and all.
chuck them in a heavy based pot with the lime juice, vinigar, water and cinemon stick. bring to the boil and simmer gently for 10 min with the lid on. remove the lid, add the chopped peach and pawpaw flesh and simmer a bit harder for another 10 min to reduce the liquid a bit. this will extract the heat from the chilli and soften them up to puree in.
Add the chopped mango flesh and bring back to the boil. Boil it for a minuite or so and remove from the heat. If you boil the mango too long it looses all its character.

When its cooled a bit, puree it till smooth, bottle and enjoy.

Its as hot as hell to start but it will cool down...... a bit......with time.

another good one...... tomatoe based.

1kg fleshy tomatoes, skins removed
1 onion of choice..... i like the purple coloured ones.
6 cloves of garlic..... or more if your game.
12 habaneros or 30 or more cayenne or other piss weak chillis
1 cup cider vinigar
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon brown sugar
i handfull fresh herbs..... chopped finely (use oregano and basil!!!!!)
salt and pepper

chop everything, put it in a pot, simmer it gently till it it starts to thicken.
take off the heat, process till smooth and bottle.

too easy. makes about 1 liter of hot sauce.

you can add some priprila and tumeric for a really rich colour as well.

here is the fruit sauce i made. Its a 1 liter bottle so the amounts made about 3/4 of a liter.

keep them in the fridge to make the flavours last



ahhhh sauce.

i made one the other night with fruit and its tops!

i used:

1 mango
1/2 paw paw
1 large peach...... you could use 2 of 3 if you want.
10 ripe orange habaneros
juice of 3 limes
1/4 cup cider vinigar
1/4 cup water
1 cinemon stick, left whole

remove the chilli's stalks and chop coursly. I just chopped them into 3 or 4 pieces, seeds and all.
chuck them in a heavy based pot with the lime juice, vinigar, water and cinemon stick. bring to the boil and simmer gently for 10 min with the lid on. remove the lid, add the chopped peach and pawpaw flesh and simmer a bit harder for another 10 min to reduce the liquid a bit. this will extract the heat from the chilli and soften them up to puree in.
Add the chopped mango flesh and bring back to the boil. Boil it for a minuite or so and remove from the heat. If you boil the mango too long it looses all its character.

When its cooled a bit, puree it till smooth, bottle and enjoy.

Its as hot as hell to start but it will cool down...... a bit......with time.

another good one...... tomatoe based.

1kg fleshy tomatoes, skins removed
1 onion of choice..... i like the purple coloured ones.
6 cloves of garlic..... or more if your game.
12 habaneros or 30 or more cayenne or other piss weak chillis
1 cup cider vinigar
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon brown sugar
i handfull fresh herbs..... chopped finely (use oregano and basil!!!!!)
salt and pepper

chop everything, put it in a pot, simmer it gently till it it starts to thicken.
take off the heat, process till smooth and bottle.

too easy. makes about 1 liter of hot sauce.

you can add some priprila and tumeric for a really rich colour as well.

here is the fruit sauce i made. Its a 1 liter bottle so the amounts made about 3/4 of a liter.

keep them in the fridge to make the flavours last


yum! - thanks very much tony! will print them off!
giddyup! my green habs are turning orange woot woot woot! :D
Let us know how hot they are when you nibble one Steve. Mine are still green, approximately 40mmx25mm in size. Hopefully will change soon. On another note, my Naga Jolokia seed sprouted yesterday!
Let us know how hot they are when you nibble one Steve. Mine are still green, approximately 40mmx25mm in size. Hopefully will change soon. On another note, my Naga Jolokia seed sprouted yesterday!

ive eaten a few of mine and they are rippers.

i grew the naga jolokia...... they turned out to be the pc-1 variety that is long and slim. they are an ok chilli but are not hot at all. they are thin fleshed and full of seeds. i wont grow them again.

i just got my seeds from trinidad for trinidad scorpion chillis and the kind soul that sent then even threw in 20 imposible to buy anywhere seeds for the mystical 7 pot chilli.;submit=Search;submit=Search

also sent some less fearsome varieies that will be great to grow.

so for next season i have this grow list of seeds so far...... dont think i will grow them all though!!!!!

from trinidad:
trinidad scorpion
7 pot
sebago seasoning
hot cherry

comming from england:
bih jolokia
bhut jolokia
(they are the 1,000,000 SHU chillis)
white bullet habaneros

have also aquired "devils tongue" chillis from a fella in QLD. suposed to be hotter than habaneros and bright yellow in colour

im set for seeds for a while. Im going to look into some netting to keep the chilli strains pure as possible so i can share seeds B)

White bullet habs ey Tony. Did a search for these as have never heard of them and they look exactly the same as the ones sold to me as white jellybean habs. And i bought my plants from Mitre 10! I didnt believe they would be that hot as they ARE from itre 10 and so small so i ate one. Christ on a bike they are hot, on par with the orange habs i reckon which i choose not to bite into these days.
White bullet habs ey Tony. Did a search for these as have never heard of them and they look exactly the same as the ones sold to me as white jellybean habs. And i bought my plants from Mitre 10! I didnt believe they would be that hot as they ARE from itre 10 and so small so i ate one. Christ on a bike they are hot, on par with the orange habs i reckon which i choose not to bite into these days.

DrS - how do you go with your plants in Winter in Adelaide? When I used to grow them years back I had them in the vegie patch (ground) and they would always die in the Canberra winter. My new green/orange hab is in a pot which I will be able to move somewhere out of the frost. Tony I guess your growing season is year round? Do they slow down in winter up in the hunter or just keep going?

DS..... thjey are the same thing...... ive seen them called bullet, jellybean and white ammo habaneros. I have eaten whole orange habs and have red and chocolate habs ripening now..... will let you know their heat when they get eaten.

gets cold here but havnt tried to grow chinence variety chillies through the winter here, My Pubecent type, cold tollerent chillies like goatsweed and rocoto went well at an inch high the whole winter. they are 6 feet tall now so should be fine!

not as cold as canberra. Tamworth used to get down to -10 at night and killed chillies on sight!

I will be getitng some going and trying to over winter them im my garage where its warm.... ish.

will post my results :)


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