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'Sriracha Sauce' here I come!!!

I'm starting to think I should have cut the Chilli's up before starting to ferment. Their whole and not pierced, looks a little rank. Maybe I'll pierce them so they can breath internally. Or am I getting carried away...
Just a light blend or rough cut them with a kitchen knife or but the in a bucket and smash them up with a lump of wood like a mortice & Pestle

Dont forget, 1kg chillies 1/2 cup salt.

To much salt will kill the fermentation
Just attacked the bowl of Chilli's with a pair of old sewing scissors, should have heard some of them 'pop' that I cut through.
Will see how I go, they've been in the bowl for 5 days now.

I just put a 1/4 cup of salt in the bowl with the amount of Chilli's that's sitting on the screen door above, would be close to a kilo I suppose.
If it doesnt start to bubble in a few weeks its prob got to much salt

Should get a white film on top and big bubbles occasionally.

If you get black spots then thats mould, and means you didnt use enough salt
My Chillies have come on hard

They where cut down to 2" stumps at the start of winter

Gave them a shot of trace elements and powerfeed/fish emulsion a few weeks back

Mexican D'Abol, Naga Bon, and Lemon Aji to the left on its own/ It already has fruit
2014-10-18 17.52.15.jpg

Mexican D'Abol in flower
2014-10-18 17.52.42.jpg

Naga Bon with early fruit
2014-10-18 17.53.25.jpg
From 2in stumps, that's F-in crazy. You must have some super dooper chilli soil and food Stu. Good Job!
Nice one Ducati, I have seeds in but nothing from them. I may have to buy a heat pad of some sort - anyone have any sprouting tips??>
shaunous said:
From 2in stumps, that's F-in crazy. You must have some super dooper chilli soil and food Stu. Good Job!
They are only now just on 12 months old

Fish emulsion/worm castings/chooooooock ****/horse poo/cow poo/sheep ****. Let it all ferment

1 cup in a 5ltr watering can, apply every week-to-fortnight

Lightly and regularly.
indica86 said:
Nice one Ducati, I have seeds in but nothing from them. I may have to buy a heat pad of some sort - anyone have any sprouting tips??>
Chilli seeds like warm soil temps to germinate. Hot water systems are really good for keeping seed beds warm
Yeh I'm overdue to throw some more horse and chook **** on me plants, Havnt thrown any on since mid winter for soil prep.

I do throw blood and bone on though, because I got given 3 bags for nothing, dunno how good it is though.
shaunous said:
Yeh I'm overdue to throw some more horse and chook **** on me plants, Havnt thrown any on since mid winter for soil prep.

I do throw blood and bone on though, because I got given 3 bags for nothing, dunno how good it is though.
Its good stuff long term.

All good soil takes times. . You need to feed soil all year round.

You cannot throw to much organic matter into soil.

I used to get stable rackings* and pile it knee deep over winter and let it break down

* Got them from racing stables, used to stink like all hell, full of urine and ****, would stink the place out for a few weeks, but left the best soil after a few months
Dave70 said:
Is there actually any way to avoid, or at least mitigate this unpleasantness? Like eating yogurt post chili or something?
With young kids, I can have a ready supply of nursery wipes that can be refrigerated on stand by, so thats covered, but its little comfort when you feel you've just been raped by Satan.
Can you flush the baby wipes?
Ducatiboy stu said:
Its good stuff long term.

All good soil takes times. . You need to feed soil all year round.

You cannot throw to much organic matter into soil.

I used to get stable rackings* and pile it knee deep over winter and let it break down

* Got them from racing stables, used to stink like all hell, full of urine and ****, would stink the place out for a few weeks, but left the best soil after a few months
I got horses if you got a shovel.
Any one had any luck growing scotch bonnets? Got a pack of seeds but no luck germinating them.