This is going to come across like i'm a complete prick, sexist, male chauvinist pig etc, but bear with me for a second.
I believe in equal opportunity - to a point.
Both genders should be given an opportunity to succeed whilst realising there are somethings that are inherently better suited to each gender.
I'm reading a very interesting book on all things different between the genders.
Women are better listeners (generally).
Men can do anything remotely linked to spacial awareness better than women (generally).
I think (don't know for sure) that men have more savoury palettes than women who generally seem to prefer lollies and chocolates. I reckon this is why men fundamentally "like" the taste of beer. Women like cruisers.
Some women like the taste of beer, some men like cruisers.....
What i don't like though is that the women are being targeted to drink watered down beer that will be less flavourful. It's like the beer you drink when you don't like the taste of beer.
As far as beers go, i reckon its dumb. Clever marketing though as heaps of chicks will lap it all up and go:
"ooohhhh goody goody goody, finally someone's made a beer just for me....."
Women, you don't need your own type of beer to drink. Stand up and say: "get ******. I want to drink real beer".
To me it's the weirdest thing...Oh no wait, the weirdest thing is men playing netball....