Cheap extract ?

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Thanks for that mate. I'm a Stella drinker normally so according to my calculations I'm guessin the closest I'll get on the cheap would be a decent pils & a dry hop saaz. ?? Any ideas ? Maybe if I drop the hops amount right down. ? I just want to find a simple good beer that will do. I don't want any more hassle than having to drop the hop bag in after 3 days. Just not enough time in my day. So I guess ur right. I'll need to just fiddle. I guess some taste pointers is what I'm after. Cheers again mate.
IMHO dry hop and saaz shouldn't be used in the same sentence and certainly not in a beer :)
Can be as easy boiling a kettle, throwing some hops in a sanitized bowl, say 20 gm for a start, pour a couple of hundred ml of hot water in with the hops and let that steep for 10 min. Chuck the lot in the fementer or steep them in your new hop bag,at the time when you would normally dry hop . Will add Saaz flavour without too much grassiness.
What you could do is buy a kg of dry malt, boil up 1 L water with about 100g and drop in some of your saaz. Turn off the heat/remove from heat, leave 5 mins and add to the brew.
Just a footnote. Tried the brew today , well all afternoon lol love the saaz. Not getting any 'grassyness' ? a little tangy tho. But very fresh. I like it ! Will def do again maybe 2/3's the amount. Although I'm new to brewing I've been a beer head for a long time. I reckon if it's got no aftertaste it's a winner. Lol. No I prob wouldn't saaz anything but a high end pils tho. Thanks for all the input gents. Stoked it's not a throw away !

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