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Cheap Ag Set Up For Sale In Perth

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The Bludgeon Brewery
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Buy the guts of your all grain system for $100.

For sale are
The frame in the pic
with four-ring burner, and
an electric hot liquor tank with thermostat wired in.

I'll throw in a 50 litre kettle with fitted ball valve (not pictured), for free. Basically all you need are a mash/lauter tun and the bits and pieces you probably already have like a gas bottle and reg, thermometers etc.

First person to post their acceptance gets the goods and I will PM my address.


Upgrading to a three tier system DB ?
Hi Linc. Truth is I have been buying cartons for months now and haven't brewed AG since last xmas case. Brewing just seems so very unlikely given work is about to step up a notch or two soon. My shed is crazy-full, spilling onto my unsightly front verandah, so it's all gotta go. If I feel the urge to brew I can still do a stove top partial or even a fresh wort. Maybe down the track a bit I'll put some money into a decent set up. For now, it's spring clean time.

Well that sucks. Won't be in WA till the end of the year but will be looking for gear then. Bad timing!
I will take this if it's still available. Can probably pick up tomorrow (monday). Let me know.
This might be a bit off topic, but I read your post and I was assailed with a wave of disappointment. Look at your member number. You were one of the founding fathers and you are still young enough to have a sound liver. Dont give up on us now. Don't abandon the important things in life for something as ordinary as work. They're a bunch of crooks anyway.
anyone in WA this is a steal. the hlt and kettle he's throwing in are worth the hundred by themselves.

weld on some extra supports onto the frame (or drill and screw) and your laughing
Guys the kit went last night to sinkas who sent me a PM. Sorry to those who missed out.

Tony, you are right. They are a bunch of crooks, and they are low on my list of priorities. But the brewing passion has just faded a little. I still go misty eyed over a well-poured La Fin de Monde and am looking fwd to my annual Father's Day splurge at Int Beer Shop. But I haven't brewed for ages and starting my own business soon, so unlikely to have any spare time for a while. I still have my tun and some large pots for stove top brews which always seemed to work out well. I just never have the six hours necessary for a AG jobbie.

Still keeping the pilot light on even if the water is cooling a little.

I am just going to hold onto it until he realises his mistake
...and what a cracker that was!

View attachment 29984
Deebee we will miss your Christmas case beers and labels, who can forget your past classics like: "Bongwater Black" or "Beer by David"

Why come round to someones house and split batch some time? promise to not make you stand around for the full 6 hours.
Guys the kit went last night to sinkas who sent me a PM. Sorry to those who missed out.

and starting my own business soon, so unlikely to have any spare time for a while.


Well done Dave. Will give you a shout next time I get done for DD on the pushy.
Sincerely buoyed by the show of support, and Darren I would definitely be keen on standing around watching someone else brew once in a while. In fact maybe I should whip off a quick one before Sinkas takes it all away (knowing it will never happen).

But I haven't stopped brewing: still got my fermenting fridge, my esky tun and everything I need to turn out my wonderful kit beers of yore. Maybe I will treat you all to another kayenkay for Chrissie this year. But only if you're good.

Hey deebee, I cant wait to see this years entry....

I promise to be good on behalf of all sandgropers

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