Piss off or Buy Me A Beer
If someone already has an esky I reckon they would go pretty close to going AG for that money too.
:icon_offtopic: I reckon a great idea for a thread/sticky would be a list of the bare minimum parts (with pictures of course) needed to get into AG/BIAB. Along with a short explanation of how to use it. As a newbie (who now finally has a handle on it) this would be soooooo much better than "Just read John Palmer's How to Brew".
:icon_offtopic: God forebid JC!
I gotta agree with you there Jake, How to Brew does have it's limitations and can be more confusing than helpful IMO to the noob. I put a hole series of photo's with my brewery build with the intention of doing exactly what you suggested a thread with not only bare minimum but tips tools and techniques for doing so. my 2c for what it's worth.