Your ability to make a beer that is drinkable or even approaches quality is not actually a prerequisite to owning/running your own brewery.
Firstly you need a premise that is in a suitably zoned location and gain permission of the local council planning department, and health department (food safe). You will need your RSA, and make application the WA Licensing for brewery license. The federal government will require you to have your brewery calibrated for excise and you will need to show how alcohol volume for excise will be calculated (excise is paid up front upon packaging). This is not a cheap process and not one to be entered into lightly. If your serious about heading down this path, the first place to start is a good long chat with council planning, you want to open a business, it's something most councils want too.
Go chat to the owners of a few of the local small breweries pick their brains, they're likely to be like most on this site, supportive and full of good information and tips.
Not something I'd contemplate without $500-750K behind me, and that's buying second hand gear.
some food for thought, good luck with your endeavors.