Cascade Kits

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Hi everyone. Just wondering what results (good/bad) folks have had with Cascade kits. My brother and I make up Cooper's kits a lot, mostly Pale ale and Lager. We have really consistant results with the Coopers, but have decided to try a few of the Cascade products. My bro has bottled his first Cascade brew, an ale, and seems really pessimistic about it's chances of being any good. He was worried that it seemed to take a long time in fermenting. I think he should sit tight and wait and see. I have a golden harvest lager brewing now, it's a week in,and seems fine. I did it just using dextrose, but will make the next one with light malt, corn syrup, and dex, with 15g of boiled saaz hops. Has anyone tried this sort of combination? What sort of results? Thanks for your comments! :)
I had the same problem with cascade i ended up putting some cooper yeast into it to get it going and boy did it go for a full week : ha ha can't wait to try it though :lol:
There seems to be mixed reports on the cascade kits, Some say they're shit, some say they're awesome. I did two before going AG. The pale ale kit was ok, nothing special, but it was done to be as cheap as possible for my uni house mates. I did the choc porter as well, which was damn tasty, but that involved a minimash, dark dme and dryhopping. I'd say give them a go, but the one thing most people who brew these agree on is that the yeast is far too unpredictable (ie: shit) Throw it away and buy a decent dry yeast like US-56. It'll only set you back five bucks max at the most expensive of brew shops, it'll be well worth your money

Hope this helps

Hi everyone. Just wondering what results (good/bad) folks have had with Cascade kits. My brother and I make up Cooper's kits a lot, mostly Pale ale and Lager. We have really consistant results with the Coopers, but have decided to try a few of the Cascade products. My bro has bottled his first Cascade brew, an ale, and seems really pessimistic about it's chances of being any good. He was worried that it seemed to take a long time in fermenting. I think he should sit tight and wait and see. I have a golden harvest lager brewing now, it's a week in,and seems fine. I did it just using dextrose, but will make the next one with light malt, corn syrup, and dex, with 15g of boiled saaz hops. Has anyone tried this sort of combination? What sort of results? Thanks for your comments! :)

Cascade win my award "Best Beer Kit Can Holding the Worst Ingredients" .

I love the stories they tell on the can. Pity its B%#@sh!\%t.

Made a Spicy Ghost that rocked, the next two more were pitiful.Thoought it was me. A handful of Chocolate Mahogamy Porters and two Golden Harvests that didn't get enough drinking time to become golden showers.

Don't no why, cos I don't mind Cascade commercial efforts. But I've done enough brews to know it aint me, its them.

Best of luck CJS with your brews.