Its been done many time before but I thought Id post my recent attempt at carbonation caps in case it helps anyone keen to give it a try.
I recently made a garden sprayer party keg. During this build I discovered we used Schrader valves at work. These had a nice flat base so also looked perfect for carbonation caps so I made a few up as well.
Start with a PET bottle cap. Ive found that the ones without the plastic seal on the inside seem to work best but any will do.
Use a drill to make a hole. An 8mm bit worked OK. The first one I did I used an electric drill, put the cap on a bottle, (gives you something to hold onto), and drilled the hole. The next few I did I just held the cap and the drill bit in my hand and hand drilled the cap. Then just wack the valve in and your done.
top on bottle:
The steps to use it are:
- Sanitise a PET bottle and the carbonator cap.
- when you keg or bottle, fill the PET bottle with un-primed beer. Leave an inch or two of head space.
- Squeeze the bottle to expel all air in the head space and put on carbonator cap.
- Put in fridge to chill down.
- When cold, give the bottle a shot of CO2 until its hard.
- Shake the bottle and you can feel it go soft, (the CO2 is dissolving into the beer.
- Do this about 4 5 times and you have nicely carbonated beer. Its easy to experiment to get it right.
Id heard a few stories of valves popping out of caps under pressure. These valves have a decent round flat base which take up almost the whole surface area on the inside bottom of the Pet caps so they lock nice and secure.
If you bottle or naturally condition your kegs these come in handy as you can also bottle a couple of PET bottles and basically be sampling the latest batch an hour or two after kegging or bottling. Ive filled and carbonated a few 2 litre PET bottles and taken them to restaurants. They are basically a 6 pack in a bottle and get a great response when pulled out especially if I take the Co2 injector thingy as well and give them a shot or two of gas
We get the valves as part of an assembly that we put on the end of cables. Im trying to track down where the actual valves come from as they are perfect for these and the party keg projects. Ill post if I get a contact.
I got the CO2 charger sort of via Ebay. Links attached. If you are doing a bulk buy best to email him and do a deal. We landed 5 for US$16 each. Paid Paypal. Ordered Tues arrived the following Monday.
We did a bulk buy of 5 with him and landed them for US$16 each, a tad under $20 each.
His email address is
[email protected].
filled bottle, (next to party keg)
