Carbo Drops

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Sorry all, I have had a look through some of the discussions before posting - I could find exactly the right answer.

First time brew stopped fermenting last night and I am going to take the first reading tonight. The kit I have came with carb drops which I thought was a great idea but did not come with bottles.

I ordered some glass bottles on-line not really noticing the size - they arrived today and are 650mls.

The kit is a standard Munich lager kit - no flashy extras or anything but after reading a few books, forums etc I find that if I use 2 carbo drops the thing is likely to either explode or be fizzy like coke - If I use one drop, it's going to be flat. I don't have a measuring spoon thing and I do not have a local home brew shop I can pop into to get one. I was looking to bottle this weekend and I am looking for a very simple answer. How much of say a teaspoon of sugar should I put in 650ml bottles of lager or should I just go for 1 and a half drops?

I know this has been spoken about loads but I can't get a measuring device by the weekend and I have not brewed before - don't really understand the calculators - when they say 4grams of sugar, I do not envisage measuring 4 grams 28 times (but saying that, if this is the only way, I guess I will have to do that!).

thanks for your help
1 solution is bulk priming. What kind of level of fizz do you like in beer? Give me a commercial example.
Hi and welcome.
I keg, but always have left overs that I bottle, and I bottle in Grolsch bottles and long neck swing tops that are non standard sizes (455ml, 670ml, 730ml etc), and I use carb drops.

As Manticle says, bulk priming would solve all of your solutions, unless you don't have another fermenter...but you do have the carb drops to use so you may as well use them.

What I do, and this is not a scientific solution but works fine for me is to first experiment to find out how carbed or fizzy I like my beer. If I am pouring into glasses I like a little more fizz than if I am drinking straight from the smaller bottles.

I would use 1 carb drop, and then get yourself a small bag of dextrose and measure about 1/2 a teaspoon into your 650ml bottles as well. Don't forget, all home brewers uses teaspoons once before modern technology made the measure and dispensers. If you do this, it will be about 1 and 1/2 teaspoons in total, so there should be no worry about bottle bombs.

And is they are PET bottles, they can be a little overcarbed with no worry about exploding.

1 carb drop, plus 1/2 a level teaspoon of dextrose (don't use table sugar), and you will be fine for 650ml.

Bulk priming really is worth it - saves you a lot of effort in the long run. I pricked around with measuring stuff and drops on my first brew, and went straight to bulk from then on.

Try this, this, and this
Hi all,

Thanks for the replies - I'll go for 1 drop and half a teaspoon. As for the type of commercial larger, probably Crown lager is the type of fizzy'ness' I am after.

I fancy the bulk method but I don't have a seperate container at the moment but after this lot I'll probably go down that path.

So - for crown type fizzy, I'll still be ok with a drop and half a teaspoon? (and the bottles are glass - if that makes a difference)
As I said - you can bulk prime in the primary vessel. I don't rack to bulk prime. The important thing is calculating the total amount of sugar to give you the right gas level.

As long as you dissolve the sugar first then give the brew a gentle stir with clean sanitised utensil, then let it sit for around 30 minutes it should work a treat and is easier than stuffing around with teaspoons.

Personally I'd just go the one drop but I do like lower carbonation than some.
I would have to agree with Manticle Bulk priming is dead easy dont have to worry about bottle sizes, teaspoons, funnels blocking up etc. It is easier I think with 2nd fermenter but Manticles advice is good on gently mixing in the primary. All that said if your going with drops one would be enough for low carbination imo .Crown is fairly low (I just cracked one) best of luck....