Can Tannins Make You Sick?

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Mo Bitta, Mo Betta!
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I have an exceptionally astringent partial on tap at the moment.

Without a doubt this taste has been caused by tannin extraction (I had a mate over drinking and didn't pay enough attention while brewing...whoops :blink: ).

It certainly tastes so harsh that you'd think it'll make you sick!

I have an exceptionally astringent partial on tap at the moment.

Without a doubt this taste has been caused by tannin extraction (I had a mate over drinking and didn't pay enough attention while brewing...whoops :blink: ).

It certainly tastes so harsh that you'd think it'll make you sick!


Tannin from tree bark such as wattle is used to tan leather.

Don't know about making you sick Finger, but you'd have a very leathery and pliable gut that would last a lot longer than the rest of you :D :D
Thanks, very "useful" :D

Well, I plan on drinking about 1/3rd of this keg tonight, so what I really want to know is if it'll make me sick or not :chug:

Tannins are sometimes considered 'antinutrients', that is they prevent you from utilising over nutritional compounds. I don't think an astringent beer would make you crook though.
I have never heard of tannins making you sick. Certainly in winemaking they don't make you sick. They actually have a 'health benefit' as antioxidants. <_<

You can always delve into the world of fining. PVPP is very aggressive and will remove most of your tannins, egg white, skim milk, gelatin and issinglass are other options. Some fining agents will work better dependant on tannin length. I often trial pvpp to remove bitter tannins in red wines, (bitterness in wines doesn't come from the same source as in beers) and egg white to remove the more chunky tannins. Skim is good in white wines to help remove phenolics (over extracted skins). More often than not I use a combination to get the desired result.

Easiest thing to do is grab 6 glasses fill them with 50 or 100mL of beer, make up a solution (1 or 10% depending on what you have to measure with, a 200uL auto pippette works well) of whatever agent you choose and then add 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100ppm and see which one you like. then add the same ppm to your keg mix through and then either let settle and rack off the clears or filter it.

Always trial a fining addition as you don't want to add more than you need. Finning can also fine out flavour and aroma molecules.

I am pretty sure ross sells PVPP.

Well, I plan on drinking about 1/3rd of this keg tonight, so what I really want to know is if it'll make me sick or not :chug:

I find it weird that you're concerned about the tannins, but not about the alcohol which is poisonous. 1/3rd of a keg in a night is 6 litres/22 standard drinks/over 5 times the recomended daily intake (assuming 5% ABV). If you're sick the next day, it will be the amount you've drunk not the tannins.

I reckon how long you spend on the dunny tomorrow will be a good indication.

In the immortal words of PP, take one for the team and let us know.
I find it weird that you're concerned about the tannins, but not about the alcohol which is poisonous. 1/3rd of a keg in a night is 6 litres/22 standard drinks/over 5 times the recomended daily intake (assuming 5% ABV). If you're sick the next day, it will be the amount you've drunk not the tannins.

Well, i dont find it weird about your concern over the tannins.
I do find it weird we have a doctor giving you the daily intake ramble on Ahb!
Get it into you, and let us know. :beerbang:
Id say the 6lt will get you well on your way to being sick tomorrow.

I took my 3gal party keg out a while ago, apparently i refused to believe it was empty towards the end of the night...not that i can remember.

I was pretty crook the next day when i woke up in the late afternoon but from what I can remember i had a good night & from what im told i entertained the boys :lol:
It's a little overcarbonated and that seems to have helped taste-wise...take note of this for future badies...

All that wine making advice seems geart, but I'm not making much sense of it, will read tomorrow at work :)

Not feeling sick yet, feeling drunk though :chug: :party:

The results are in :lol:

I'm at work, not sick and not even hungover :)

Conclusion: No, an astringent beer full of tannins will not make you sick :chug:


*edit* - Oh, and reckoning I probably only made it through about 1/4 of the keg...

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