Can Someone Tell Me What This Will Be Like?

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hi there.

can anyone tell me what colour and strength this will be approximately? and wether or not i should change anything to keep it around 5%.

any opinions on hops would be appreciated too!

1 x coopers LME (wheat)

2 x coopers Light Dry Malt. (1kg total)

500g yellowbox honey.

+ im thinking 30g hallertau hops dry method for aroma.

what do you guys think of that mix???
As it stands, I don't think you'll enjoy it very much.

What about bittering hops, and flavour hops?
You seem to plan to use only unhopped dry malts.

The malt bill will give you a fairly light bodied beer, particularly with the 500 gr honey. The honey will almost totally ferment out, leaving little in the way of flavour or body..

Which yeast do you plan to use?
i plan to use a wheat yeast. the home brew shop sells it i am unsure of the name though.

can you suggest some hops to use?

the malts above are 1x 1.5kg liquid malt (wheat) and 2 x 500g light DRY malt. wont these give a bit of body to the beer together??
you are basically doing an extract brew you will have to do a 60 min boil with at least some of the malt extract and add hops at 60min to impart some bitterness to your beer.

If you dont it will not work out very nice.

I would suggest you get a wheat kit beer that is pre bittered (coopers /morgans wheat) and add the wheat malt to it and maybe even the honey. This will give you a much nicer beer. Unless you want this beer to be unusually high in alc dont add the dry malts and save them for another brew.


If you are not going to get a kit: Wheat beers dont have a lot of aroma from hops so use your 30g as a bittering addition which means that you will have to boil some water and some malt at approx 1040SG for 60min adding the hops as it gets to a rolling boil. you can do this in a 5 litre pot, just make 4L of wort as it will try and boil over if you dont keep an eye on it.
Good lord, you gentlemen are very polite.

Some might say too polite. Not me, of course. Perish the thought!

how bout this then.

1 x coopers Liquid Malt Extract. the 1.5kg wheat tin one.

1 x kilo Light Dried Malt extract.

500g brew booster.

30g hallertau hops boiled with the above mix for an 55 mins then when there is 5 to go, add 15g saaz.

then put in fermenter, and fill up to the 23 L mark with water,

add the wheat yeast, (damn forgot the name just got back from brew shop asking questions)

Will this be ok? or is it destined to be disgustingly over malted or too strong.

criticism is welcomed if it means i get a finer beer! thanks so far.

also kleiny you said something about not adding the dried malt? is dried malt more fermentable than liquid? if so should i JUST use the 1 kilo dried malt and not the 500g of brew booster in the above mix to keep it around 5%. cheers again.

how bout this then.

1 x coopers Liquid Malt Extract. the 1.5kg wheat tin one.

1 x kilo Light Dried Malt extract.

500g brew booster.

30g hallertau hops boiled with the above mix for an 55 mins then when there is 5 to go, add 15g saaz.

then put in fermenter, and fill up to the 23 L mark with water,

add the wheat yeast, (damn forgot the name just got back from brew shop asking questions)

Will this be ok? or is it destined to be disgustingly over malted or too strong.

criticism is welcomed if it means i get a finer beer! thanks so far.

also kleiny you said something about not adding the dried malt? is dried malt more fermentable than liquid? if so should i JUST use the 1 kilo dried malt and not the 500g of brew booster in the above mix to keep it around 5%. cheers again.

Yep, that actually sounds like it would be OK, just drop the brew booster and it will be around the 1040 to 1050 OG mark which will give you a 5% beer, even with the brew booster i wouldn't say it would be over malty just higher in alc.

Light dry malt is not more fermentable it just takes less in weight to add more sugar,

Liquid malt contains water and therefore is more dilute compared to dry malt.
outstanding! thank you so much for you help guys.

if there is nothing else anyone would suggest changing or adding to make it a better brew i will do that one tomorrow and let you guys know how it turns out.

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