Can I Compost Yeast Sediment?

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I put the spent hops from the boil in my compost, so can I also compost the yeast sediment from the fermentor? Anyone do this?

Personally, my yeast sediment usually goes into a second or third brew. After that straight down the toilet. Yeast probably wouldn't add much to the compost but it certainly wouldn't hurt unless too much water goes in with it. I compost both spent hops and grain.

can I also compost the yeast sediment from the fermentor? Anyone do this?

Yep no worries.

In my compost tumbler I make compost to a recipe and it makes very quick, very good compost in the aerobic style. I don't put my yeast in there because it's not part of the recipe, but you probably could. I seem to remember reading that it promoted microbial activity.

I also have a compost bin enclosed at the bottom with mouse wire to let worms through. All my kitchen waste goes in there along with any garden waste surplus to my compost tumbler. It makes compost very slowly in the anaerobic style. It is really more of a green waste disposal unit. I put all my grain, hops and yeast waste in there and they basically become worm food and then, about six months later, compost.
I did sleep through most of general micro but isn't the anaerobically produced stuff silage?

But that's off-track. I reckon throwing in the yeast would be fine so long as you don't soggify it with too much beer too.
I also have a compost bin enclosed at the bottom with mouse wire to let worms through. All my kitchen waste goes in there along with any garden waste surplus to my compost tumbler.

Cool, I've got one of those fellas as well, in it goes...

Personally, my yeast sediment usually goes into a second or third brew.

I'm just starting out so haven't tried re-using the yeast sediment yet, will give it a go one day though.

I did it just today. Ive been doing it since I started brewing and havnt noticed any problems.
greenest patch of what I laughingly call my "lawn" is where I empty the fermenters !
greenest patch of what I laughingly call my "lawn" is where I empty the fermenters !

When you can't repitch why waste the organisms, splash it around your brewery or lawn or gardens near where you brew. I'm not nuts and I'm not the only brewer who does this, use it to build up your "Terrior" so to speak in an effort to beat the baddies.