California Police Seize 170kg Of Bathtub Cheese

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I agree with this comments:

Is there any evidence that the cheese was ACTUALLY produced in a bathtub? Or is that simply a nickname that implies it's disgusting? How do you know they didn't actually make it in sterilized food-grade 5 gallon jugs? (And they probably did, actually, you don't want to lose a batch of cheese to the bad bugs). It's all about trust -- do you trust a huge megacorporation with bought-off FDA inspectors (e.g. look at how many recalls of factory meat there have been in the last couple years). Or do you trust a local producer who you see every week at the market, and whose family may have been making cheese for generations in mexico? I have no idea about the specific details of this case, but it's a judgment call you make every time you buy food. Factory food isn't necessarily any safer than homemade food.

The MegaCorps of the world have tried to teach everyone that "homemade" == dodgy.

I'm sure we have all run into it as home brewers.

I'm also reminded of a story I read a couple of years ago about the meat industry in the US. Basically the mega corps wanted faster throughput of chickens and so brought in automated plucking and gutting machines. Only problem was that at the speed that wanted to run them, the gutting machine usually just managed to smear half of the gizzards + feces etc. all over the meat. So they fixed the machines right? No. They lobbied and had the laws changed so that instead they just pasteurise/irradiate the meat. Yes punters are eating pasteurized sh!t in the US. Luckily I think the regulations are better here.

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