Problem is, I want to buy 2011 hops - not one 2011 variety and then the rest 2010 to make up 4lbs. I've been holding off and didn't purchase from hopsdirect (even though the product I've purchased has been fantastic) this year because of the Niko shipping rate but I'm regretting the decision. I realise the 2010 crop is probably more than fine for my needs; just a little disappointed I can't get all 2011 varieties.
Also, I've followed you guys on twitter but you never seem to update anything there.
Hey folks! I just put Amarillo, Citra and Simcoe online, they're in 2oz packs and we don't have much of any of these so I don't expect supply to last long.
Amarillo 2010 Crop
Citra 2011 Crop
Simcoe 2011 Crop
Someone please let me know if it's not okay to post direct product links here if so I'll take those down I don't want to break any rules on here.
Thanks folks have a great new years/eve/did it already happen in Australia? Lol.
Mate what does it roughly cost to ship per pound to Australia?
Shipping is $14 USD for up to 4 full pounds or 3 1/2 of mixed increments (2oz packs etc). If you order please use paypal as your payment method then I send you a separate request for shipping. It's also on the main page of my site though I just realized it's not on the hops category page. This is also shipping USPS International. You don't get a tracking number with good data but we've had good results with delivery. Thanks!