Screwy, I use a S/S braided hose, pump has always handled it well when I recirculate, usually the first litre has some grist particles but then it clears up ok.
One of the reasons I swapped over from false bottom to braid was the amount of grist and flour that the FB lets through, haven't had that or any other problems since changing.
Am in the process, making version 2 of a slotted copper manifold covered with SS braid to stop collapsing. This also means I can direct heat the tun as stirring against the centre of the tun bottom will be possible and stop scorching. I have a 45L urn and was thinking of using coils in the bottom for a HE, should be efficient with only about 15 litres required to cover the coils and heated by a 3.6Kw element. Problem is I don't think the mashmaster relay contacts can take the current. Had a look at the specs, 17(5A)/250VAC which doesn't make much sense, is it 5A, if so the the 1800W element in my HLT is over the limit at 7.2A Might have to use the contacts to energise a relay with contacts capable of coping with the load.
Maybe Frank could enlighten us on this.