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Well that knocked a hole in my afternoon :lol:
Much appreciated, soon be beer o'clock.
Dunno how i missed this one, just ordered! I'll have a listen to that episode of the session whilst brewing tomorrow
Definitely would buy the second book by the way Peter, the first was such a cracker!
Korev said:
I have asked White Labs whether they could do something for the Australian market with 059. and it seems that their production processes now make providing a smaller batch sizes a problem. The Yeast Vault is only for US members of the customer club, so that does not really help us. So, unfortunately it is not likely that 059 will be in production any time soon.

G'day Peter, did they give you an idea of how many we would have to buy to make it available in a single run?
Otherwise, an email campaign to Wyeast, like the W1469 effort?
Wyeast can source the culture from the UK, or maybe they have it already.

Yes, I bought your book, too!
Can some of our site sponsors put some pressure on Wyeast? This yeast would sell for sure.
Peter, whats your opinion on Reschs Orignal Draught on tap?
Quaffing one now at the Woolgoolga RSL.
It's amber with a really earthy hop presence, and a lot more going on than most pale megaswill.

I wonder if it's a XXX that got switched to lager yeast.
Korev said:
Hi Guys,

I did another podcast this week on The Session http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/the-session-bronzed-brews/

Good one Pete, I like the plug at the end for the Yanks to vote for the Melbourne Ale No. 1. Hopefully there are 200 odd Americans that listened to the BN podcast that are willing to go to the White Labs site and vote for it. I'm sure there are more than 50 vials that would be sold in Australia, especially once more people on this forum start using it.

Bribie G said:
Peter, whats your opinion on Reschs Orignal Draught on tap?
Quaffing one now at the Woolgoolga RSL.
It's amber with a really earthy hop presence, and a lot more going on than most pale megaswill.

I wonder if it's a XXX that got switched to lager yeast.
Bribie, I was over in Sydney in late April and had a pint of Reschs Draught at a pub. I saw the name and had just finished reading the book, so couldn't pass up the opportunity. I was not that impressed. It tasted to me like any Australian Draught lager. Blandish. Which of the big brewers are making this?
MIK-E said:
Just FYI that code posted way back in the thread 'LULURC' still works. I just ordered the book delivered for 20 buckeroos, pretty easy sell there!
Code not working now , assume it was LEAP25
Reschs is made by CUB so probably brewed at Abbotsford nowadays. Sure it's much along the same lines as Toohey's New etc but I find it has a nice hop presence and a tiny bit of roast in the background - put it this way I always grab it over a 150 lashes in the venues where it's still sold, and it's quite different to VB, CD etc.

And no doubt a shadow of its former self but very reminiscent of how most NSW brews used to be in the 1970s when beer was called "the amber nectar"... the majority of todays megas certainly aren't amber any more.
MIK-E said:
Just FYI that code posted way back in the thread 'LULURC' still works. I just ordered the book delivered for 20 buckeroos, pretty easy sell there!
I am about to go away grey nomading can you PM when the book arrives so I know how long it takes
Good work Pete, it's one of those books that you really need to go over several times till it clicks (Like the Yeast book etc).
Bribie G said:
Reschs is made by CUB so probably brewed at Abbotsford nowadays. Sure it's much along the same lines as Toohey's New etc but I find it has a nice hop presence and a tiny bit of roast in the background - put it this way I always grab it over a 150 lashes in the venues where it's still sold, and it's quite different to VB, CD etc.

And no doubt a shadow of its former self but very reminiscent of how most NSW brews used to be in the 1970s when beer was called "the amber nectar"... the majority of todays megas certainly aren't amber any more.
said it before and i'll say it again. i love a good old reschs draught. will happily have it before a james squire or coopers. i can taste a difference between it and the likes of new and carlton etc. i agree i can pick up a very subtle roast and hop presence. any ideas on a recipe...or is it in the book?
Just listened to the podcast. Cross fingers the Americans jump on board and get this yeast across the line for us.
Ordered. B)

Just listened to the podcast too. Giggles at the end. What was that bird in the backround?
Those wacky Americans don't they have birds over there? :lol:

My hand up too for the Melbourne yeast.
Not trying to derail the thread but WRT Reschs Draught, last night I stayed at the Woolgoolga Diggers up the road from Coffs.
While in Coffs I picked up a six of Zywiec at Dans - a lovely malty strong Polish Lager with restrained hopping but a nice decoction flavour to the malt.

Being a hot day I skulled one when we got into the motel then we headed over the carpark to the club section where I got into the Reschs.
I thought "this is going to taste like shyte" but to my surprise It held its head up very nicely .. more than VB or New would have done.

It's marketed with a big retro 1930s art deco look and I still wonder if it's one of those old survivors that they haven't ****** over too badly, and probably brewed as an ale originally, another example being Melbourne Bitter.

reschs draught 2.jpg

reschs draught 3.jpg
Nice, I've seen that on tap a few places of late, haven't been game to try. But will do. Has anyone tried Tooths Pale Ale I've noticed they have started marketing that in a few spots? If it was even remotely like the original then it would make a good tester against the brews in the book.

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