A swim in a chlorinated pool should if your a smoker, would if you are not a smoker ignite your sense of smell of chlorine in QUU tap water. Been human is very subjective to write about the quality of water.
Proceeding with the simple simple scientific method, something needs to happen, time is handy yeah, record results. Needs discovery even though you might of endured time far beyond others. Rules in this world are not spoken often. Harmless youth I remember water tasted not too distant from clear running creaks and rivers. The Brisbane river is a disgrace. The Bremer river is even worse of a disgrace, which for the East, North and the South in Brisbane who are unaware has a heavy toll on the Brisbane River. Why does this relate to water for brewing. Well in the case of many overseas provenances and states they have taken more care and action to change towards cleaner water ways. QUU seems to hide in chemical tap water, where before the local council performed a tad more effort and provided a better tasting tap water. Working at government agencys the rumours where thick with some individuals but no proof, some you did not want to mention fluoride unless your calendar was free.
All I wanted was even flow, similar to the rain just came after the wonderful down pour this afternoon. Man it tastes awesome, not the first wave, the second tastes so much better. Subjective right.
In my patch, I've recorded white and black specs, changes in chemical smells and taste over years. No even flow.of less or more chemicals Yet the bill arrived, ouch. Isn't even fair quality water that what we want to achieve?
So brewers have to use filters, reverse osmosis, water tanks, etc to ensure our quality brewing efforts. Sure tap water is not harmful and taste is subjective, though I can recall a swig of tap water the morning after of a few filtered fine home brew.
Go out to Fernvale or other place 50km from the surrounds of Brisbane and buy the surrounding area milk, I recommend it.
To the tea and coffee lovers, If you have not used the methods for brewing to achieve quality water similar to rain water from the tap. Try brewing your tea and coffee of filtered water, pfft to tap water, the flavour from 3 month old coffee grounds picks up my taste buds in the morning, how could I resist another cup.
Time and effort fellas, money can't buy that.
Water your garden with tap water and expect greenish slow results. Blue couch won't be that desired blueish green colour, it'll be green couch till you change your habits. And waiting can drive me mad.
Back to brewing, since I switched from boiling and chilling in the fridge, which for someone who didn't have 23 litre of containers capacity when I first started. To capturing a bit of rain water and filtering tap water, depth, potential for... a better brew.... Oh how I desire the better brew and enjoy tasting each incremental difference.