Brewing With Gastro

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Just wanted to relay a terrible brewday 2 weeks ago. I bottled the result last night and I'm amazed it's not rubbish. The brew night started ok, mashed in grain for a strong stout, and then around midnight, just before the sparge, I felt bloody awful. Lay down for a while with the grain still in the esky. Woke up in darkness with an overpowering urge to spew. Rushed to back door but the wife had locked it. Proceeded to do a projectile vomit through the screen door whilst struggling with the lock. Mess from asshole to breakfast. Proceeded to spew at regular occasions throughout the night, more and more violently. Ah, the gastro had taken hold.
Next day, I felt f***ed, but knew I had to finish brew, but even the thought made me rush back to bathroom. Took me 6 hours to finish, with intermittent spewing. Sweating like forty bastards into the fermenter, as Perth on that particular day hit 42 degrees. Wife badgering me all day...'Look at you, you're sick but you're still brewing, you're a bloody idiot, go and clean the door!!!' (it still had bits in the fly wire from last night)
Finally finished and collapsed, couldn't eat or drink for three days, vomiting continuously, but! I finished the batch, and it tastes fine. Now that's dedication. :beerbang:
Dedication, duty, obsessive compulsive and for both love and honour. No matter what you call it, some things just have to be finished. I just guess that women can't even hope to understand. Well done mate

Dude... A+ for persistance!!! i was at a party once where a friend deposited his KFC 3 piece feed through the fly screen door, from the inside. Wasn't pretty...
Holy spew-hole TinTin :eek: :blink: :wacko:
Double A+ from me for dedication and persistance. :beerbang:
Rushed to back door but the wife had locked it. Proceeded to do a projectile vomit through the screen door whilst struggling with the lock.

That's gold TinTin, truly! :lol:

Glad the beer turned out gotta' do what you gotta do right? :super:

Dude... A+ for persistance!!! i was at a party once where a friend deposited his KFC 3 piece feed through the fly screen door, from the inside. Wasn't pretty...

And that's why we call it kluck and chuck. It never fails. How does that place survive?


I'm impressed. Well done. What name did you come up with for the brew?

Might call it Screendoor ExtraSpecial Stout, minus 'bits' of course. The only saving grace that day was the cricket I remember (third test at the WACA).
After that effort you'll have to change your handle from tintin to "Full Metal(screen) Brewer"

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