Brewcraft Wizard Smith Kit

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Well, almost done now.
Bit disappointed in the kit I bought though.
All ingredients with best by dates were past the date. The dry ingredients still seemed OK, and the wort and liquid malt lookes / smelled / tasted fine. The Dry malt is like a little brick, but I have almost finished getting it to dissolve. I've had to use quite a bit of very hot water to do so, so will prob be a while before it all cools enough for yeast - which is also past it's best before date...
I prob. should have taken it all back to whence it came, but thats a bit of a drive - more wasted time and petrol...
I just hope the yeast works, but I suppose if nothing happening by tomorrow I can buy some more yeast and throw that in.
Would possibly buy similar kit again, but would check use by dates next time!
On the bright side, I figure if I can make a decent beer with old ingredients, I should be able to do something really quite nice with fresh/er ingredients. :)

Saw some 5 litre insulated jugs, eski btrand, at the op shop for a few bucks each the other day. Might grab one of them to use (after a thorough sterilising!) next time.

SG 1.041, and it actually looks and tastes a tiny bit like warm, flat beer!
yeast has gone in, @ 24c.
Combination of cool day and cold water in pipes (was below 0 last night) and me taking so long to do each step allowed my wort to cool pretty quickly. Given the yeast was best by Jan 2010, how long should I wait before I decide to go and get fresh yeast if I don't see any sign of fermentation through the glad wrap?
Revived this old thread - I had a read through the site rules and this is okay as far as I could tell. If not, I'm sorry.

I used this recipe a while ago and i was a little disappointed. I used only 120g of crystal (all i had at the time) but the brew came out really sweet. Maybe i need a more attenuative (is that a word?) yeast, or perhaps up the hops to balance it, or maybe drop the crystal even further. Any suggestions? I love this beer and would like to be able to emulate it.

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