Brew Tasting On Ch.9 - Sat 8/03

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Just flicking through the tv this afternoon, apparently on Weekend Extra (Ch. 9, Brisbane, 5.30pm Saturday) theres a segemnt on comparing homebrew to commercial beers.

Looks like they're doing a blind tasting to see who can spot the HB among the commercial brews.

According to the host - home brew has come a long way since the old days. Does this mean that commercial brewing hasn't?

Might be worth a look.

This will be good!
It sounds like someone in the electronic media has bothered to move away from the 1972 the stereotype of homebrewing. What is happening to the world ?
Trust they got some reasonable Hb to taste against. I can't say my hopes are too high for this one.
Anyone heard/know anything more about it?

cheers Ross
It always seems to me that the two big tv networks always copy each other's stories or make similar shows to air around the same time. Brace yourselves for homebrewing to hit the mainstream for a couple of months? No doubt they will make a big deal about the "cheapness" of HB vs commercial (that's the only reason you'd drink HB, right?) especially with all of these disastrous interest rate rises.

Just hope that they got someone who is informed about HB to make the test batch.
Doesn't seem to be on in Melbourne today.
Hopefully the tasting goes well as three of the beers being tested are mine. There should be a porter, american amber ale and a amarillo ale. All were made from fresh wort kits with some extra hops and steeped specialty grain added. We haven't been given the results of the tasting yet so I will have to watch the show with fingers crossed. I am biased of course but I thought the 3 beers submitted were of a high quality and should hold there own.
Can someone capture it and either post to YouTube or make a torrent? I would like to see how it's presented.
Hopefully the tasting goes well as three of the beers being tested are mine. There should be a porter, american amber ale and a amarillo ale. All were made from fresh wort kits with some extra hops and steeped specialty grain added. We haven't been given the results of the tasting yet so I will have to watch the show with fingers crossed. I am biased of course but I thought the 3 beers submitted were of a high quality and should hold there own.

You'll lose mate, none of those will taste like VB <_<
Looks like they're doing a blind tasting to see who can spot the HB among the commercial brews.


It will be interesting to see whether they use an AG as a comparison as well as a K&K. Most forum members would agree that AG has become a lot more attractive and less daunting with the amount of info that is available.I for one would still be brewing K&K if it was not for forums such as AHB. It would be nice to see if AHB gets a plug.

+1 for someone to capture it and youtube/torrent it.
May not be in any other states. I vaguely recall the Chunnel 9 ditched most of the 'Extra' shows because they didn't have much of a following, except in Qld.

It could be interesting to see what other brews will be used in the testing. However, if they have mainly megaswill drinkers doing the testing then I don't like your chances for unbiased reporting.
Damn not on in NSW either..

But i think the HB always tastes better to the person who brewed it.. It may taste ok to his friends but to him it tastes great.. :icon_drool2: I know thats what its like with my beers.. hahahahahaha

If anyone can upload this to youube that'd be great!
Funny. They picked the HB pretty easy, confused the the brew on premise with the commercial. A glowing endorsment for brew on premise....... <_< One of the judges was Brennan Fielding from burleigh brewing too, the other a BJCP cert. judge as well. Anyone else catch it
A reasonably good result for my beer I suppose. Unfortunately they did not judge the beers properly. More a case of which beer is commercial/home made/BOP etc. The only comment on my beer was that it had increased hop levels :icon_cheers: , as opposed to the other samples which had some faults from there comments. A pity they did not judge properly all the beers that were submitted against the commercial and BOP rather than guess which is which. I can certainly live with increased hop levels :lol:
So I'm guessing that it was the amerillo ale that ended up being judged?
Good on you for upping the hops if that was the case.
They didn't say but it would have to be as it was the only pale beer I submitted.
Yeah, I was impressed by the calibre of the judges they'd gotten, but not much else. The article itself didn't have all that much real information apart from short bits from Brewers Choice (LHBS) and Bru4U (BoP outfit). Comments on both the BoP and commercial samples mentioned high-end fermentation type tastes. Most disappointing was the judges picking which was which rather than giving a comparative assessment.



Edit - and if I didn't take 1/2 an hour to reply I would've seen Mothballs response and not covered the same ground.
But i think the HB always tastes better to the person who brewed it.. It may taste ok to his friends but to him it tastes great.. :icon_drool2: I know thats what its like with my beers.. hahahahahaha

Sometimes this happens to be but often my friends like it better than I do.

I think it's also about what style you're trying to brew and how high your expectations / standards are.
