Brew Shed ( Brew Your Own Beer) Sydney

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Not taking direct pot shots at them - more of a case of a shot over the bow.....

The adding up i did was due to the fact this is being advertised on a home brewers forum - ie. we all make our own beer. and for less.

I understand retailers selling us ingredients and equipment for making/dispensing our own beer but selling home brew? to homebrewers? :huh:
They have been advertised on the local radio so im sure this is not the only place he is trying to sell his product. Buy advertising on this forum he has just made us all aware of his business and what he does, and its a lot cheaper than most other marketing methods.

I have many conversations to all sorts of people about beer, as im sure most people on this forum do, and if someone was interested in getting into homebrew but didnt want to do the whole set up themselves, than I would happily recommend his business.

Kabooby :)
They have been advertised on the local radio so im sure this is not the only place he is trying to sell his product. Buy advertising on this forum he has just made us all aware of his business and what he does, and its a lot cheaper than most other marketing methods.

I have many conversations to all sorts of people about beer, as im sure most people on this forum do, and if someone was interested in getting into homebrew but didnt want to do the whole set up themselves, than I would happily recommend his business.

Kabooby :)

Fair enough - head pulled in now. :D

But...if mates are interested in brewing but dont want to set it up i offer my help and/or equipment to see if they like it before subtly suggesting they get there own. or give them mine for a donation to my beer fund.....
Hi Tim, good luck with the business.
A quick question here.
What happens with the odd chance of an infected batch?
My only problem with these places, is that the beer always tastes stale when fresh, I assume its the bottling point, straight out of a tap, and "oxygen filtered" and everyone Ive ever met who went to one made "corona"
My only problem with these places, is that the beer always tastes stale when fresh, I assume its the bottling point, straight out of a tap, and "oxygen filtered" and everyone Ive ever met who went to one made "corona"

Yep - there is one here in Mandurah - I asked the dude who runs it what the most common 'clones' are.

Corona and Tooheys New.

To each their own.

before i started ag i went down with my work mates and did a "redback clone" we bottled it think it was about 144 stubby bottles from memory.
we weren't very impressed with the results every bottle was reletively flat and tasted very cloying most of mine went down the drain.

i must say tho it was a fun night chucking in liquid malt and hops into the kettle not really knowing what we were doing but the end resluls were very sad.

i wonder if the corona clone uses an ale yeast?

to the fact this is being advertised on a home brewers forum - ie. we all make our own beer.

This happens all over. As a former president of a car club(EH car club NSW) we had people calling/writing in offering their ganpas holden for people that already owned one!!

"randyrob: i wonder if the corona clone uses an ale yeast?"

Id hazzard a guess at YES as the ferment room is set to 18oC
To clear up any confusion we use a base of unhopped extract with a combination of fresh grain depending upon the beer style. There are a number of Brew on Premises around and they are very popular in WA and QLD. Two others have just opened in the past few weeks in Wollongong if you are down that way..

Tim - The Beer Shed

I made a IAP according to the recepie of the BoP, turned out ok, then I did the next one where I kept the specialty grains at 68 gedrees and did a sparge over the fermenter ,boiled up the rest and added the hops according to schedule.

the interesting thing is that they are almost 2 different kind of beers, you wouldnt believe they were made with the same ingredients.
the experement is a much crispier and full of flavour compared to the first one which is very sweet.
I did this experiment after I asked the prop. about his methods,( they boil all their grains) and his respons was :they like what they drink now so why bother making things complicated!

I was dissapointed about his response and felt that he was not really passionate about beer.
I hope that the operators elswhere keep improving their beers and share some of their passion for beer with the punters.

cheers amita
I made a IAP according to the recepie of the BoP, turned out ok, then I did the next one where I kept the specialty grains at 68 gedrees and did a sparge over the fermenter ,boiled up the rest and added the hops according to schedule.

the interesting thing is that they are almost 2 different kind of beers, you wouldnt believe they were made with the same ingredients.
the experement is a much crispier and full of flavour compared to the first one which is very sweet.
I did this experiment after I asked the prop. about his methods,( they boil all their grains) and his respons was :they like what they drink now so why bother making things complicated!

I was dissapointed about his response and felt that he was not really passionate about beer.
I hope that the operators elswhere keep improving their beers and share some of their passion for beer with the punters.

cheers amita

"There are those who love beer (US) and those who love drinking beer (THEM). While most of US like drinking beer and share our efforts with a few of THEM, essentially we do our bit cos we want to. THEM that don't do what we do, just don't understand why we do what we do. For THEM, beer sheds exist. They can pretend to be US and might occasionally try to send US up in the process, but we know what they don't. Have pity on their wretched souls, for they truly don't get it."

from the epistle of St Fatgodzilla to the Callathumpians, verses 6% - 8.5%
"There are those who love beer (US) and those who love drinking beer (THEM). While most of US like drinking beer and share our efforts with a few of THEM, essentially we do our bit cos we want to. THEM that don't do what we do, just don't understand why we do what we do. For THEM, beer sheds exist. They can pretend to be US and might occasionally try to send US up in the process, but we know what they don't. Have pity on their wretched souls, for they truly don't get it."

from the epistle of St Fatgodzilla to the Callathumpians, verses 6% - 8.5%

Hallelujah :D

cheers amita
my cousin works for a guy who also opened up one of these brew your own beer thingys in gosford, he asked me why dont i join <_< i said to him, why would i pay someone to help me make beer when i can do it at home. :D

But my cousin and a few of his mates have joined and good on em'.... I reckon there is a small market for it so good luck brew shed hope things work out :) anything to do with beer is great IMHO

cheers, kingy
Personally, I believe that ANYTHING that will make less people buy vomit beer and the like is better for our country as a self-respecting beer drinking nation!
I too drank shyte beer for way too long before I discovered the homebrew!
Had a place like this been in my area years ago I (and many friends) would of abandoned our 'shares' in CUB etc.
But homebrewing involves patience...something the average aussie beer drinking male has little of.
Therefore, these sorts of places actually help people like 'US' in the fact that next time you go to a party that 'yobbo' drinking VB might have a BrewShed beer instead!!
I have not yet tried a brew shed beer but if someone offered me one I would accept it with a smile as opposed to the VB....
Sorry guys just didnt want everyone to get on their high horse over something that might actually benefit the boutique beer business (and US)....
Well said ! I cant agree more.

If we can make people think about beer, make beer, drink beer, and convert people who dont care about beer ( inc women and wine buffs ) what a wonderful world it would be !
Hallelujah to that !! :D
I thought i might throw something into this thread

coming from a solely spirit lover background, being a local bloke i popped into this place.

Not only was Tim accommodating, he was very happy to offer trials of what he had on tap and explain the process. After having a middy of a ultra cold style i was pretty shocked, it tastes nothing like Carlton cold with a lot smoother.... From someone who hates beer im now setting my own keg system up and will be ordering batches from Tim.

I find the $130 for 6 cases very reasonable, as most people who just buy their cases from the local bottlo - while i understand the preservations regarding it being dearer than doing it your self. Not only could i be arsed doing it, dont have the knowledge or none of the ingredients, the convenience of it getting done for you is something im quite willing to pay for

The biggest plus is the other half has given it the thumbs up and has now supported (and increased my budget) to set up the keg system because she actually enjoyed the trial beer... You cant tell me id get that support if i did my own home brew batch....

Id definitely recommend anyone in the local area to pop down and have a look around.
Of course, I also have no affiliation
Good to see davea,

You make some very good points. Im sure that there a lot of other people out there that could not be bothered doing it themselves, but would benifit from drinking better beer for less.

Good luck witht the keg set up. Im sure you will enjoy it :chug:

Kabooby :)

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